the thread about nothing...

inb4 @shoyru  gets off on this 
It's not even the stockings. Homegirl was *** grabbing and grabbing his weiner in public. If would've been okay if she did that at home or something. :lol:

*** grabbing is pretty common practice in public.... but frontal :rofl: :pimp:
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Pulp Fiction :smokin


alot of girls been trying to get at me while im at work. :wow:

sadly i have to turn them down and explain that im at work but i appreciate their compliments.

sundays are the days i get the most looks and drunk chicks trying to talk to me.

cant do anything because we have cameras watching our every move..

gotta keep it professional, plus that makes em want you even more. :evil:

after work show them a picture of your dog and ask them if they want to come over and 'play' with him :evil:

Nordstrom called me back about for a better job than my current one, I have the interview set for next Thursday :pimp:

good luck bruh. discount for the NT fam :nerd:

glacier freeze is the best gatorade

orange >
It's a regional loss prevention gig, go to all the stores in area, help out when needed, but I'll primarily be working out the main store here.

Also whoever said purple gatorade is the best flavor has **** taste.


See I couldn't control myself with a ratchet freak like stockings girl....

I'd be gettin blown in the fitting room, back isles of the grocery store, electrical section of Home Depot
, etc....

I'd be in jail with a hard-on!
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