the thread about nothing...

Speaking of turntables.. went digging for my 1200's the other day where i had them at found this 
  and i can't even find ther other one

Amazon prime has become disturbingly fast. 2 day shipping has become less than 24 hours shipping for my past 4 purchases
Any of you TAN dudes keep retro cards? If someone wants them they are yours. Not in great shape but if someone wants them. Otherwise they are going in the trash. I don't even know why I still have them.
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Retro cards got really lame with some of the later release. I remember the XI IE cards just had a picture of the shoe :lol:

Like really ? Ive got the shoes.... I know what they look like.... why the hell do I need a card with their picture ?

Reminds me of the dudes who wore tee-shirts with nothing a big picture of the shoes on their feet.... just seems redundant :lol:
cheer up pzee. you got them laser 4s and its friday :nthat:
I'd rather have an awg or an Asian dime than the 4s right now.

I'll pay you a hooker, send them my way

Any of you TAN dudes keep retro cards? If someone wants them they are yours. Not in great shape but if someone wants them. Otherwise they are going in the trash. I don't even know why I still have them.

I would take them.

I see jersey dude got dibs :\
I'm such a simple guy. Today I went to play soccer and eat afterwords and I'm in such a good mood now. *cue Pharell-Happy*
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