The Whispers: ABC, Monday 10 EST/9 CST

I don't think there's ever been an unseen villain that's pissed me off this much.

I almost said I wasn't going to watch the ep at all tonight cuz I knew there'd be scenes/segments that would just get me mad given the premise. I still watched, still ended up mad :smh: :lol:
When he took over the kid, kid's all screaming 'It burns! Drill, stop!', I just... nah, man.

It was a moment that took me back to why I was originally intrigued to start. 'The Whispers'... ooohhh, just by the title, sounds intriguing. See a couple teasers with kids... even more intriguing. My original thought was that there were these kids, or maybe all kids, with this special connection to some force or life form that 'whispered' to them, and maybe as adults, we lose that connection.

That was my initial thought, but I was open to whatever, not knowing.

Watching that scene, I thought, "I don't know what I really originally thought, but it wasn't this, not watching kids get tortured, no."
I made the mistake of watching this lat ep with my niece around (who is about to be 2 so she aint fluently speaking yet but still) :smh:

Had me giving her the side eye. This show is sick. You get to the essence of this stuff and these writers are twisted.

As for the ep itself, they're going a bit far with the quarantine stuff. It got a bit too melodramatic with how it was such a tragedy. Only comparison that comes to mind on tv is The Strain and they pulled it off better. Real life there's been the ebola and legionnaires things and if anything family members are sad that you got it not that you're being quarantined to be treated. They went over the top with that.

Minx got framed. I think the president's daughter has Drill in her now or maybe that other new boy or just a little bit of Drill in them from that power outlet electricity scene. That whole thing was too set up. Then the pointing at the end was too much dramatic effect again. A complete red herring by Drill to throw the father off and make him distraught and think about killing his own kid.

I'm ready for Drill and his entire race to die though. Somebody needs to get on that.
When he took over the kid, kid's all screaming 'It burns! Drill, stop!', I just... nah, man.

It was a moment that took me back to why I was originally intrigued to start. 'The Whispers'... ooohhh, just by the title, sounds intriguing. See a couple teasers with kids... even more intriguing. My original thought was that there were these kids, or maybe all kids, with this special connection to some force or life form that 'whispered' to them, and maybe as adults, we lose that connection.

That was my initial thought, but I was open to whatever, not knowing.

Watching that scene, I thought, "I don't know what I really originally thought, but it wasn't this, not watching kids get tortured, no."
I originally thought the show's concept would be more of a horror/supernatural bent than alien sci-fi. So that's what got me in to it and the 1st ep still left that door open.

Yeah, to see the kid follow Drill's orders, get tricked by his bullies being on his side, just for Drill to make a show of force to the adults and put the kid through so much pain is what's so ****** up.
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I'm beyond upset.

I knew they framed Minx. These ppl forget they're dealing with children. At this point they're writing some of these gov't guys too incompetent. Dudes really about to blast a little girl with an emp weapon.
They really were. :\

Like in my heart, I knew the show wouldn't do it, but the show still had me watch a President ok it. :\
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This show needs a crazy conspiracy guy with a bunch of weapons that knows all about Drill and his race and how to stop this invasion.

If only for comedy relief :lol:
irritated me that the old dude was just a reporter. thought he was going to add much more to the plot. and yes, having a 2 year old myself, the scenes with the kids in pain are extra frustrating.
Ok wow gotta give props where it's due. The season would've been different if they had sprang that twist on us earlier but that there was a sleeper cell of adults loyal to Drill is just plain good writing. That's a stroke of genius. Springing that on the protagonists in the finale just shows how Drill outsmarted them all. Almost thought the nukes in space would've been used as energy again to really stick it to everybody.

On the personal feelings side of it though :x :smh: :stoneface: , a random alien invasion was one thing but aliens invading just to kidnap Earth's children? That is THE most ****** up evil plot I've heard of in a long time. That is beyond sinister. That's demonically evil. The **** man :smh: I was just shaking my head when I figured it out.

There was incompetence in the gov. and are main cast wasn't that smart but the entire human race never stood a chance. Whole time they were holding the L and didn't know. Drill was literally entirely several staircases ahead. Makes him killing Minx's mom that much worse cuz he made it personal. Ever since he contacted the kids and left w/e in their head he always had the option of controlling them with the flick of a switch like we saw. Plus he had like a damn army of adults to help him.

I don't even know why I didn't think if Drill was around in the 80s he'd contact more than two brothers.

I'm actually very interested where they take things in S2.
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