The World Belongs to Those Who Hustle

Originally Posted by King Beef

Who's would is this? The would is yours. It's mine it's mine it's mine.

not bad

I read it and I really didn't take much from it.  Hard work and sacrificing long hours isn't a novel concept.  I've met people in numerous fields who've put in the time and effort to only be passed over for someone who works the system better or has more "talent", so their really are a multitude of factors to consider other than "hustling" where success is concerned.

And I've almost always found this particular concept trite and non-credible as a means of motivation

"Here’s the deal. Most of us are average. Average intelligence, average athleticism, and average looking. And most of us have had some setbacks in our life that can serve as a disadvantage. In short, we’re pretty much on the same playing field as millions and millions of people. "

Not all men are created equal and given the same opporunities. Some people resign to those thoughts of mediocrity earlier than others, some come to it after a life of failure, and their are actually those who do succeed in what they set out to do.  

Hard work is a great to teach if I was your high school coach,but he wasn't trying to get you to the pros right?

Not everyone can be Bill Gates.  
The way I look at it is network and build strong relationships and be straight forward and work hard.
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