Things that people dont believe youve never done vol. oh really?

I aint never seen the god fatherz star wars or harry potters
i aint never seen you
i aint never **** with you
that aint my baby
i aint never been over 140
I aint never been no hypebeast #Nt denim
I aint never drive speed limit since i got my liscense
I aint never been a scrub

double're admitting...that you are...and have done...all of those things.
I've never smoked weed.


And because I'm a former basketball player with dreads and I listen to a lot of smoker's music...

People throw me the :rolleyes when I tell them.

Will give it a shot in my 30s, doe.
Man bruh don't even try it it's not worth it

It's gonna have you like ,"let's do it again" steez

I'm sure as a baby I've eaten processed fruits. I'm talking whole natural fruits smartass. The only fruits I've even ever bitten into are a apple and watermelon, none of which were entirely consumed. I did bite a mango but I spit it straight out. Other than that none, couldn't even put a banana or orange in my mouth without gagging. Fruits are terrible.
You did remove the skin right?.......

I've never  fired a gun.

Never been with a latino or asian women (love them both)

Never had pot eatables.

Never been on a snowmobile or atv 
never ate ***** (nor booty you savages)

Your day WILL come, young sire.
Can't front I've been tempted to toss my girls salad from that thread a while back
when dude said he did it to that girl he met at a party some stripper or something
Forgot what thread it was but it was a huge derail
And useful info on butt munching
Idk tempted but just can't bring myself to
Been with my girl 7 years
Probably gonna do it eventually
But the vag
Oh I can eat that thang all damn day
I've never learned how to swim

Never smoked weed or any kind of drugs

Never been to a strip club
The fact that places still test for weed in this day and age is a truly sad commentary on our society. People can be trusted to be responsible drinkers but nah, the stigma attached to marijuana smokers remains.

But I'll save this discussion for another thread, pardon the derail.
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I don't mind employers testing for weed. I do think it should be tested for recency of use though instead of just having it in your system.
Nothing wrong with smoking on a weekend
Never been in love :frown:

Never had a one night stand. Smashed every ratchet at least twice.

I club a lot with stupid rich people. Never done coke.
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