Those who live a christian life, how do you feel?

One major aspect of Jesus' teachings was humility: keep your prayers to yourself; don't show off; sacrifice your own comfort to make others comfortable. Practitioners of the prosperity gospel are fundamentally against this.

Of all US presidents, Jimmy Carter displayed that aspect of Christianity the most, and he is considered the worst of them by Americans who are most likely to identify as Christian.
Keeps building homes for poor
I can assure you that Christians (and followers of other religions, for that matter) being hypocritical is not the leading cause of atheism. You guys are adults that never completely grew out of the make believe stage of childhood. Don't overestimate your importance to others.
So atheists only hone in on Christians because thats the one religion they dislike? Hmm
I would have thought it’s because of the way Christians act towards non believers.

it makes sense now
So atheists only hone in on Christians because thats the one religion they dislike? Hmm
I would have thought it’s because of the way Christians act towards non believers.

it makes sense now
Has more to do with how the other 2 major religions operate and that Christianity is most dominant in the Americas and most of Europe.

Christianity is pushed like a product in America to the point it doesn’t even really promote its core values.

Judaism mostly stick to themselves since they already see themselves as the chosen ppl. They’re not being challenged at the same rate or as publicly.

Islam just not as big here and it has been villainized since the start of the 21st century. Plus it comes in several forms in America.

So it’s really no surprise when an atheist wants to point out the hypocrisy in religion or explain their lack of belief they pick Christianity.

And for the record, I’m an equal opportunity anti-theist. In America, Muslims and Jews tend to practice quietly. Christians don’t. That’s why you feel as though we’re honing in on you.
My issue is not even that American Christians don't practice quietly; it's that they want to turn the country into a Christian theocracy.

Clergy privilege? The ****?

And that's what is alarming: the amount of sympathy that the Christian reasoning get in US courts is too high to be ignored, and if it keeps going, we won't be able to differentiate between the priest and the judge.
Good people must not exist then... People make decisions considering potential consequences. We all have our own moral compasses and decide when and when not to abide by it.

i say this as someone who is Roman Catholic and had to do christian religious classes pretty much every level of school until I went stateside for high school

im not thinking of anything religious or the potential consequences if I do something kind or decent or thoughtful or if I empathize with someone else’s situation

I think using fear based tactics and especially the people it’s coming from, ends up turning a lot of people away from mass religion

I’d hope that my parents raised me right and instilled some values and decency where the consequences ain’t dictating my actions.. sure it might keep me from doing dumb shh.. but I’m not living my life on the regular needing to consider the consequences of doing shh.. maybe I’m moving different
i say this as someone who is Roman Catholic and had to do christian religious classes pretty much every level of school until I went stateside for high school

im not thinking of anything religious or the potential consequences if I do something kind or decent or thoughtful or if I empathize with someone else’s situation

I think using fear based tactics and especially the people it’s coming from, ends up turning a lot of people away from mass religion

I’d hope that my parents raised me right and instilled some values and decency where the consequences ain’t dictating my actions.. sure it might keep me from doing dumb shh.. but I’m not living my life on the regular needing to consider the consequences of doing shh.. maybe I’m moving different
I hear you. And I think you are agreeing with my premise. We exist in a world full of laws that are designed to influence behavior. Of the people that dont speed, theres a good portion who dont want the ticket that comes with it and that holds them back. Or the possiblity of an accident keeps them in check. Of the people that dont cheat but think about it, theres some who dont want the damage that may come with being exposed and that holds them back. Legally and morally (which varies), there are potential outcomes that we as humans take into account when making some decisions. It basically knowing the risk. Im gonna do x, y may happen, so with that in mind im either gonna do it anyway or chill. We make decisions all day and not everyone follows this model. But there are times that we do make decisions factoring in potential outcomes. Its a natural thing, religion has nothing to do with it. (Unless one suffers from Sygiophobia).

That tweet is taking a jab at traditional hell fear mongering (which I hate and believe is in error), but the argument itself doesnt hold up when mirrored with any other consequntial reality.
I hear you. And I think you are agreeing with my premise. We exist in a world full of laws that are designed to influence behavior. Of the people that dont speed, theres a good portion who dont want the ticket that comes with it and that holds them back. Or the possiblity of an accident keeps them in check. Of the people that dont cheat but think about it, theres some who dont want the damage that may come with being exposed and that holds them back. Legally and morally (which varies), there are potential outcomes that we as humans take into account when making some decisions. It basically knowing the risk. Im gonna do x, y may happen, so with that in mind im either gonna do it anyway or chill. We make decisions all day and not everyone follows this model. But there are times that we do make decisions factoring in potential outcomes. Its a natural thing, religion has nothing to do with it. (Unless one suffers from Sygiophobia).

That tweet is taking a jab at traditional hell fear mongering (which I hate and believe is in error), but the argument itself doesnt hold up when mirrored with any other consequntial reality.

but I think the flaw to me is in the initial tweet

just because I believe something that doesn’t necessarily mean someone else is obligated to believe the same

also to keep it to religion, the level of convenience certain aspects of the Bible get thrown out when convenient vs the harshness certain people seemingly want to use religion as a weapon

trump extremely publicly committed adultery with each of the 3 wives he has had to this point, amongst his many other horrible sins.. and we see those who turn a blind eye

for me I try to focus on the spirit of the whole thing, instead of the literal

so I don’t care who marries who, as long as it’s consenting adults.. but I do think if you are taking that step you’re making a commitment to someone that shouldn’t be taken lightly and should be more than physical attraction

but I’m glad some people are being more accepting of other or alternative life styles.. Like those who don’t want to get married or have kids.. would rather that than someone who doesn’t want to be married and/or have a kid(s) and then resenting them and taking it out on them because they’re unhappy
My thing is dudes who are anti religious keep bringing up things man has done. All because someone has accepted a faith doesn't mean they are perfect nor should they represent the entire religion.

What I means is, Im black, if I do something stupid does it mean all black people do something stupid? No.
I’m not anti religious, but I get my views arent for everyone and being my views doesnt mean it should be the default societal views (as is happening with the laws that are being passed)

I think a decent amount of churches need to be taxed and/or regulated

and society needs to be more cautious with individuals involved with the churches.. and also don’t need society to be protecting these dudes
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The below is my issue with the extreme..

I have my religious views.. but these people are crazy and using it to justify BS

The people that believe there is no creator, are the least original thought, yet they think they are super deep. They just wanna be cool tbh. And they are extremely lost.

Second group of people:
Most modern physicists, scientists, and mathematicians somewhat agree of “simulation theory.” These people are arrogant to the point of attributing everything to being designed and then do a full stop there. Somehow ignoring there must be a designer.

Diseased minds.
The people that believe there is no creator, are the least original thought, yet they think they are super deep. They just wanna be cool tbh. And they are extremely lost.

Second group of people:
Most modern physicists, scientists, and mathematicians somewhat agree of “simulation theory.” These people are arrogant to the point of attributing everything to being designed and then do a full stop there. Somehow ignoring there must be a designer.

Diseased minds.

There could be a creator of said simulation, no?

The truth is, nobody knows .
The people that believe there is no creator, are the least original thought, yet they think they are super deep. They just wanna be cool tbh. And they are extremely lost.

Second group of people:
Most modern physicists, scientists, and mathematicians somewhat agree of “simulation theory.” These people are arrogant to the point of attributing everything to being designed and then do a full stop there. Somehow ignoring there must be a designer.

Diseased minds.
Look at this holier-than-thou bull****. :lol:

You don't even see how much of a hypocrit you are, do you?

You insist that your beliefs are correct, evidence be damned, then have the nerve to call others arrogant.

Acting morally superior, while simultaneously judging and looking down on others.

Calling others "diseased minds", when YOU are the one with the outlandish, unproven beliefs.

The hypocrisy is GLARING. And you zealots wonder why less and less people are buying into your religions. :rofl:

Your SkyDaddy©️™️ would be ashamed of you, if he actually existed.
Lol so much anger in your post bro. What is arrogant about submission to the creator? Tranquilo bro. Learn how to talk and then say something worthwhile instead of attacks.
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