Thoughts on 10 year high school reunions?

Apr 5, 2012
I've always liked the episode about 10 year reunions on sitcoms. Amazingly enough mine is up this year (Class of 2003). I don't even know if I'll make it since I'm out of the country. 2003 was also the year I joined facebook. Not sure which is a bigger 10 year milestone :smh:

Have you guys gone to yours? How was it? Where did you go/what did you do?
I was just thinking about this the other day...mine is in 2 years. It makes me feel kinda old to know I graduated almost a decade ago. It'll be interesting to see what everybody did with their lives besides get older and pregnant.

Been out of hs for 2 years and dudes on fb from my graduating class are already talking about a reunion for the summer
My 10 year reunion would have been at the end of this month, but was cancelled due to lack of funds. seems really quick. 'm facebook friends with almost my whole senior graduating class (240) so I already know how everyone looks, and what they've been up to. Though definitely would be fun to try and mack chicks that I couldn't due to severe lack of height and game in high school lol. Surprisingly, out of the 240 only 3 are married and have kids. Everyone else is either single, or in a relationship, but not married. I guess it is a Silicon Valley thing..
Not going to mine unless I'm making at least 7 figures then I'm going just to stunt. No more humble guy
I've never seen the point of these. No need to be reunited with anyone I didn't choose to keep in contact with over the years. The only people that matter from high school are the few I make a concerted effort to remain in contact with today.

Can't knock those that do enjoy this sort of thing though. I've just never had an interest
just had mines, i didnt go but seen pics on a couple people IG. needless to say 90% of the women looked terrible. crazy how time changes people physically.
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mine was in October 2011. I guess they had a whole weekend planned (football game and bar afterward Friday night, school tour the next day, bar Saturday night)

I missed the Friday night stuff, and the rest was pretty much corny bread.

Once upon a time (before social media) it made sense as people didn't really have much of a way to connect.

Now with FB, the only way you can't find someone is if they don't want to be found.
i had my 5 year in november and it was a freaking blast man. they had an open bar in the cafeteria of my school so i got wasted on gin and tonic and we all went out to a bar nearby afterward that was fun as hell. i got too twisted though and forgot to get phone numbers from the 2 girls i was talking to that i had no balls to talk to in high school. one has a fb but i haven't hit her up on it, really need to, and the other doesn't and i only see her around like once a year. can't wait for the 10 year, this one girl (the one with the fb) was so bad and still is vicious and really smart, straight get on one knee status. i need to man up and can i hit it loser her.
I graduated in 09 so I still have some time.

My grandma went to her 50 year reunion. :wow:.. I can't even imagine
Mine is coming up in 2 years..I was just thinking about this recently. IMO, I think Facebook has ruined the significance of a 10 year reunion. It used to be, after hs, everybody went off and did their own thing, and whomever worked the hardest and caught the breaks in life ended up being the most successful and the best story of the night, and it was all a surprise. But with technology being so open world, I haven't lost track of anybody since hs. I know what everyone is doing already, who's graduated law school, who's a doctor, who's out of work, fat, skinny, balding, 6 kids, etc. And every single person is within the reach of a keyboard, so you can talk to them at a moments notice. To me, that makes these reunions passe and unnecessary for reconnection. It's hard to reconnect if you've never lost touch. Ya know.
I have mine in 3 yrs and all the goons I chill w now I have been since Hs defiantly a reason to wild out I suppose like nothing's changed
Mine is coming up in 2 years..I was just thinking about this recently. IMO, I think Facebook has ruined the significance of a 10 year reunion. It used to be, after hs, everybody went off and did their own thing, and whomever worked the hardest and caught the breaks in life ended up being the most successful and the best story of the night, and it was all a surprise. But with technology being so open world, I haven't lost track of anybody since hs. I know what everyone is doing already, who's graduated law school, who's a doctor, who's out of work, fat, skinny, balding, 6 kids, etc. And every single person is within the reach of a keyboard, so you can talk to them at a moments notice. To me, that makes these reunions passe and unnecessary for reconnection. It's hard to reconnect if you've never lost touch. Ya know.

True true true. It would be so much more fun if you couldn't access everybody all the time. Now, honestly I just see it as an opportunity to holla at chicks lol that you messed up with the first time around.
Mine is coming up in 2 years..I was just thinking about this recently. IMO, I think Facebook has ruined the significance of a 10 year reunion. It used to be, after hs, everybody went off and did their own thing, and whomever worked the hardest and caught the breaks in life ended up being the most successful and the best story of the night, and it was all a surprise. But with technology being so open world, I haven't lost track of anybody since hs. I know what everyone is doing already, who's graduated law school, who's a doctor, who's out of work, fat, skinny, balding, 6 kids, etc. And every single person is within the reach of a keyboard, so you can talk to them at a moments notice. To me, that makes these reunions passe and unnecessary for reconnection. It's hard to reconnect if you've never lost touch. Ya know.
This is exactly how I feel. Mine is also coming up in 2 years.
only way i would go to mine is if i'm doing it.

graduated in 2005, so i got two more years to get successful.

i'm not losing by any standards, but i can't even get on facebook without comparing myself to everyone i went to highschool with and subsequently being extremely depressed.
I didn't go. I still talk to a bunch of people from highschool and am still friends with a lot of my gradeschool/highschool friends.

Thats enough for me. Had no real desire to see anyone else.

I think I'll go to my 20th though.
only way i would go to mine is if i'm doing it.

graduated in 2005, so i got two more years to get successful.

i'm not losing by any standards, but i can't even get on facebook without comparing myself to everyone i went to highschool with and subsequently being extremely depressed.
Man screw that noise. If you have love in your life and you're fortunate enough not to worry where you next meal is coming from, you're already on the top of the mountain, regardless of how much money you pull in each year. My uncle tried to tell me once he wanted to make me a better man by getting me involved in one of his business ventures but that cash doesn't make you a better man, the way you carry yourself and look at others does.
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Mine will be next year, doubt I'll go tho. I'm nowhere where I wanted to be at 27 and don't need the reminder by going to a reunion. If I had a decent/interesting gig I'd go but I don't so I don't plan on going if we do have one
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