Thoughts on Kendrick Lamar's Section 80 ?!

Been listening to KL EP, OD, and S. 80 for the past month and a half.... glad i got put on. Album is incredible. S 80 is the best album i heard in a lonnnnggggggggggggg time.
F* Your Ethnicity, Hol' Up, ADHD, Ronald Reagen Era, Poe Mans Dreams, Rigamortis, Kush & Corinthians, HiiPower....
been on repeat for a while now....

F* Your Ethnicity, Hol' Up, ADHD, Ronald Reagen Era, Poe Mans Dreams, Rigamortis, Kush & Corinthians, HiiPower....
been on repeat for a while now....

Originally Posted by N ll K 3

I checked Section 80 out about two weeks ago, and it literally blew my mind.

I skimmed through his other tapes a while back and thought it was "meh".  Went back and have been playing basically nothing but KL the past few weeks.

And this thread is only 9 10 pages long.

I actually got Section.80 for my bf, but fell in love with it (with Kendrick's mindset, rather) while asorbing the songs on my way to dropping it off.

"Apply yourself to supply your wealth
Only limitations you'll ever have are those that you place upon yourself" -GLC
Originally Posted by N ll K 3

I checked Section 80 out about two weeks ago, and it literally blew my mind.

I skimmed through his other tapes a while back and thought it was "meh".  Went back and have been playing basically nothing but KL the past few weeks.

And this thread is only 9 10 pages long.

I actually got Section.80 for my bf, but fell in love with it (with Kendrick's mindset, rather) while asorbing the songs on my way to dropping it off.

"Apply yourself to supply your wealth
Only limitations you'll ever have are those that you place upon yourself" -GLC
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