TIME Magazine: "Millennials: They’re narcissistic. They’re lazy. They’re entitled"

maybe if time could reach the millennial instead of talking **** their magazine wouldn't be on the verge of going under. :rolleyes

P.s. this whole me me me with social media i also find a ridiculous conclusion. Social media wastes too much time, and personal i find to do more harm than good but it's uses are generally... social. You want to find out what your friends are doing they're interested in you, and you interact. There's a lot of people who just "watch" on social media and don't have too much activity as well
Oh please. The me me me generation is the one that sold us out to the highest bidder. They are the reason why the government is easily bought off. They are the reason the healthcare system is broken. They are the reason lobbies have so much power. They are the reason why an affordable education is hard to find and parts of America look like a 3rd world country.

Who went along with starting the Iraq war eve though there was no evidence and financially crippling the next generation? Some kid playing call of duty? Or irresponsible members of the media?

Who decided to give out those participation trophies? The kids?

The me me me generation is more accepting and tolerant. And a big reason they are so selfish is the way they were brought up

Man quoted for truth.
Nothing is more me me me Than those god forsaken baby boomers they are arguably the most narcissistic ,intolerant ,self absorbed ,greedy ,vicious and dangerous generation ever.Baby boomers have done more to destroy this planet than by other generation .For all the high education they received they picked all the wrong decisions from healthcare ,to war ,to basic policies they were so concerned about keeping their bubble they allowed the prison industrial complex and military industrial complex to take over America .All for the sake of a dollar they embraced innovation at the expense of their fellow man just to say they could do it.They wanted cheap goods in mass all because they felt like they wanted double for their dollars worth .they were so caught up in their own minds they ignored the world around them they .Voted time after time for every idiot that said ill keep you safe from the bogey man that we made up.They backed the patriot act folks the dang patriot act
This generations has no clue what true sorrow, hardship, and woe is as a whole. There are those that know what a true struggle is, but they are vastly outnumbered by worthless idiots coming out of the suburbs. For most people the hardest thing they will do is high school, and they won't even figure out who they are until much later in life.
I despise this generation even if it isn't fully their fault. What a gigantic body of useless morons.
This generations has no clue what true sorrow, hardship, and woe is as a whole. There are those that know what a true struggle is, but they are vastly outnumbered by worthless idiots coming out of the suburbs. For most people the hardest thing they will do is high school, and they won't even figure out who they are until much later in life.
I despise this generation even if it isn't fully their fault. What a gigantic body of useless morons.

everything wrong with the world at this point in time has 0% to do with this generation.

so if you don't struggle you're an idiot? What do you define as hardship? A life in the suburbs means you can't struggle? Only those in the poorest of neighborhood go through struggle, is that what you're telling me? You're not even make sense at this point.

I'm curious what YOUR struggles have been. and what YOU'VE done. and what YOU'RE doing honestly...
This generations has no clue what true sorrow, hardship, and woe is as a whole. There are those that know what a true struggle is, but they are vastly outnumbered by worthless idiots coming out of the suburbs. For most people the hardest thing they will do is high school, and they won't even figure out who they are until much later in life.
I despise this generation even if it isn't fully their fault. What a gigantic body of useless morons.

Who are you?
This generations has no clue what true sorrow, hardship, and woe is as a whole. There are those that know what a true struggle is, but they are vastly outnumbered by worthless idiots coming out of the suburbs. For most people the hardest thing they will do is high school, and they won't even figure out who they are until much later in life.
I despise this generation even if it isn't fully their fault. What a gigantic body of useless morons.

you exude ignorance to the point where i think you're trolling.

have you done studies about what you're talking about? no.

also, you do realize you said that there are more Millenials from the suburbs than those that are not? that doesn't even make sense.

where are you getting these generalizations from and how can you hate an entire generation for absolutely no reason?

and why are you worthless if you're from the suburbs? i'm from the "hood" i guess, but that doesn't make me worth more than someone born with a silver spoon.

their parents worked hard to afford them a high quality lifestyle. what's wrong with that?

you sound so stupid it's disgusting.
While this generation does have its lazy underachieving individuals, our technologies have made it easier than ever to learn, communicate, innovate, and pursue dreams. I have faith in the millennials and believe they will make America greater, despite "evidence" to the contrary.
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