Trash talk is NOT allowed in team threads

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Staff member
Apr 30, 2004
[quote name="Method Man"]Sports are all about competition and, although it requires absolutely no talent, skill, or ability whatsoever to affiliate yourself with a sports team as a fan, we understand that a little friendly trash talk here and there is a part of the game.

Trash talk - provided it doesn't consist of personal attacks directed at other NikeTalk users - is fine IF kept within the confines of game threads, series threads, etc.

HOWEVER, if someone creates a thread specifically for fans of a given team - e.g. "The Official Harlem Globetrotters Season Thread," it is considered TROLLING for fans of other teams to go into that thread specifically to annoy people.

It's expected that series threads and game threads will consist of fans representing both teams.  Team threads, however, are considered a sanctuary for fans of that team ONLY. There should at least be one place where you can go on NikeTalk to discuss your favorite team without being harassed by 15-year-old front runners and the like.  

Not simple enough?  
Regular discussion topics - ok
Game threads - ok
Series threads - ok
Team threads - [COLOR=#red]no trash talk[/COLOR]

Don't get yourself eliminated from thue playoffs.[/quote]
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