Two sad youtube videos - get those tissues ready

Apr 15, 2009
sitting bored at work, i almost cried watching these.... first one a lot of you have probably seen. they're about 5 and 4 min long respectively...

2nd one had me close...
That fresh prince one always gets me
So this is where all the softies came out to hang out?

I'm kidding. That second video was good. Had my misty eyed. I wish they told more about the story though. It was mad brief.
**Wall of Text Alert**

I can identify with what Will was feeling like in that The Fresh Prince clip. My biological father was never there for me. No calls or cards saying happybirthday, no visits when I had two hip surgeries, no involvement what so ever besides child support. One time when I was young, me and mom was leaving from mycousin's house. He was outside talking to his brother/my uncle Rick. When he saw us he said "Hey Ann.", my mom. He didn't even acknowledgedme. My mom cussed him out for that. In 2001 I made a attempt to reach out to him by sending him a invitation to my high school graduation. He came along withhis wife, my half-brothers and half-sister. It seemed like a connection could happen. During that summer I went to his side of the family's family reunionBBQ. My aunts, uncles, and cousins talked to me the whole time I was there because they haven't seen me in years. Darrell, the biological father, neversaid a word to me. I was pissed. Before I headed up to Oakland University (MI.) in the fall of 2001 I gave him my cell and dorm number for him to get incontact with me. I never got a call or anything since that time.

In my youth, I cried a lot because I couldn't understand what I did that caused him to not want to be in my life. In the teenage years I had a lot of angerin my heart over the situation. Now, at 26, I thank GOD that he wasn't there. I'm a college graduate.....he didn't even graduate high school. I gota bright future ahead of me and I know there's a reason why I'm still here. My mom did a excellent job with me and my brother, whose going to graduatefrom law school in the spring. When the times comes he wont be at my wedding and he wont be in his grandchild's/grandchildren's lives. My futurechild(ren) will know who he is and what kind of person he was towards me. I will be a better father to my future children.......than he was to me. I'mgetting my revenge by being better a man than him. If he came up to me tomorrow I'd say "Hi", shake his hand, and keep it moving.

Playing "So Ambitious" - Jay-Z
I don't care if I'm a softy or whatever, this stuff always gets to me. Some stuff in life is so powerful there are no words for them.
the 2nd vid,

and the fresh prince vid is always

the 99 balloons vid was touching also....
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