Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

If this isn’t pro criminal, I don’t know what is..

At this point, why even lock people up in DC, what’s the point… lol

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If this isn’t pro criminal, I don’t know what is..

At this point, why even lock people up in DC, what’s the point… lol

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 6.00.13 PM.png
For as long as I’ve been following this thread, the most baffling part about DC’s crime spike for me is these judges. Dude’s spraying a street with bullets out in the open but gets sent home with an ankle-monitor? How about keeping him in pre-trial detention.
“Not a danger to the community” is a joke. You have to be pretty brazen to shoot up a street with an AR just for the thrill.

I feel like DC went way too far off the deep end with the movement to reform ‘tough on crime’ policies.

At the end of the day you still need harsh punishments for violent crime, and those teens killing or otherwise involved in violent crime should be charged as adults.

Edit: Apologies to deuce king deuce king for not raising my hand first to be asked a question rather than commenting.
From here on out as it pertains to this thread Belgium Belgium I don’t want to see you giving your opinion champ, I want to see you raising your hand and hoping to be called upon to ask a question rather than volunteering irrelevant information.
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16 year old sets fire to the wrong house over an stolen iPhone, killing a family of 5.

Sentenced to 60 years. Should be life.

They should hang him in the middle of the street and let the family watch him fade away. 60 years for killing 5 people is not enough.

Same goes for the other two bozos involved in the murders.
Do whoever did this the same way

"“I thought I smelled somebody smoking, and then the next thing I know the fire trucks were showing up,” said Daniel Sieberling, who is an old friend and neighbor of Williams. They live close enough that he can wave to Williams from his window. He wiped away tears as he described the scene: “It came up quick, the truck showed up quick, and they put it out pretty quick.”

Before he knew it, Seiberling saw the flames coming out of the windows, then Williams’ mother being carried out of the building. Another neighbor said she saw Williams’ father get slightly burned on his head as he attempted to leave the building.

More than two hours after the fire was reported, firefighters were still pulling charred and smoking debris out of the home.

Anti-Black crimes make up the lion’s share of hate crimes reported in California, according to the state attorney general’s report on hate crimes for 2022, the latest year for which data was available. Anti-Black incidents made up some 31 percent of all hate crimes reported in the state and half of those were driven by racial animus. The number of anti-Black incidents grew some 27 percent from the previous year."
At a local middle school, a student shot another student in the face yesterday.

Over the weekend, a 16 year old I believe, girl, was shot and killed downtown Saturday night. I swear it’s every damn day.
"Why was the VP driving a Porsche to school"
Man these people are hilarious. They are the people that I like to say refuse to admit someone has done any fault.

The same people that responded to the Teacher/Hair situation with, "He was just trying to build relationships."

These are the same people that say, "We need more programs" whenever a minor does anything.

It is really funny the lengths they go to stay in character man.
Re: Pro crime folks

So I have 2 close friends that be off that stuff. So what I like to do is jump in front of it when I know it's coming.

For instance, if someone posts an article about someone committing a crime, the first thing EYE do is say, "I don't see the issue."

Since I know my Group Chat is a group of Devil Advocates, I know THOSE 2 won't answer the "What's the issue" question because it would cause them to admit fault has been done.

We've got plenty of dudes like that on NIKETALK and it's just funny to see them at work whenever something pops up.
At a local middle school, a student shot another student in the face yesterday.

Over the weekend, a 16 year old I believe, girl, was shot and killed downtown Saturday night. I swear it’s every damn day.

Somewhere……even in this very thread there’s someone saying….”We need more programs”. Nah…..we need more jails and quite possibly looking into physical torture/punishment depending on the crime committed.
Of course a Diddy defender would be pro physical punishment.

Sit your Cassie Cape wearing simping *** down somewhere. You act like Cassie is going to give you some of her millions because she sees some sucker like you online trying to defend her.

This is how NOT to act as a man to everyone out there. You never would know NT is mostly dudes by some of the feminists comments on here. Never once did I defend Diddy once evidence was brought to light. Classic case of a guy being over emotional about woman that he doesn’t belong to……..SIMP.
Sit your Cassie Cape wearing simping *** down somewhere. You act like Cassie is going to give you some of her millions because she sees some sucker like you online trying to defend her.

This is how NOT to act as a man to everyone out there. You never would know NT is mostly dudes by some of the feminists comments on here. Never once did I defend Diddy once evidence was brought to light. Classic case of a guy being over emotional about woman that he doesn’t belong to……..SIMP.

You're the only person emotional here, adding asterisks, throwing insults and typing in full caps. What self respecting grown man uses the word simp?

Clean yourself up and go touch grass.
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