UC DAVIS Represent

Do you guys know of any other outdoor courts with lights ? They are closing the one by the arc/frat houses by the end of the month.
Hehe, I'm surprised to see as many people rocking nice shoes there as I did on picnic day. I'm probably gonna be bummin' it whilst I'm therebeginning this fall. Used to be I couldn't go out unless I felt fresh, but after getting over the mental barrier, and spittin the game I been doing...allya gotta do is smell nice. Plus my potential girlfriend is going there...
ATTN Sneakerheads at UCD stop acting like some lames, you give all the rest of us sneakerheads a bad rep.

Thank you.
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

ATTN Sneakerheads at UCD stop acting like some lames, you give all the rest of us sneakerheads a bad rep.

Thank you.
I'm wondering, in what ways do they act lame? Just curious
I'm mad I got tercero (well at least it's pierce hall). Everyone else I met at orientation got segundo, as well as some of my high school friends.Pretty lame but oh well, I kinda wanna change it
Originally Posted by Lil Cao

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

ATTN Sneakerheads at UCD stop acting like some lames, you give all the rest of us sneakerheads a bad rep.

Thank you.
I'm wondering, in what ways do they act lame? Just curious
I'm mad I got tercero (well at least it's pierce hall). Everyone else I met at orientation got segundo, as well as some of my high school friends. Pretty lame but oh well, I kinda wanna change it
usually they're Asian hypebeasts (I'm Asian BTW), usually wearing tiffany dunks, and dressed like hypebeasts. They tend to act and talklike wankstas and mean mug everybody.
Originally Posted by NKEAIR

kevjumba is going to UC Davis if anyone cares haha

Why is this dude famous on the internet? I watched 1 of his videos, but didn't find him entertaining or funny at all. Someone shed some light as to how hegot all this e-fame?
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by Lil Cao

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

ATTN Sneakerheads at UCD stop acting like some lames, you give all the rest of us sneakerheads a bad rep.

Thank you.
I'm wondering, in what ways do they act lame? Just curious
I'm mad I got tercero (well at least it's pierce hall). Everyone else I met at orientation got segundo, as well as some of my high school friends. Pretty lame but oh well, I kinda wanna change it
usually they're Asian hypebeasts (I'm Asian BTW), usually wearing tiffany dunks, and dressed like hypebeasts. They tend to act and talk like wankstas and mean mug everybody.
That's kool, Kevjumba going to my school, but I doubt he's going to be on my level (besides e-fame)

So textbooks, I need some tips. I'm trying to spend the least amount of money on textbooks.
Where should I buy them, and where should I sell them when done?
How do I know what textbooks I need?
Do I need them by the first day of school?

Thanks in advanced
Originally Posted by Lil Cao

That's kool, Kevjumba going to my school, but I doubt he's going to be on my level (besides e-fame)

So textbooks, I need some tips. I'm trying to spend the least amount of money on textbooks.
Where should I buy them, and where should I sell them when done?
How do I know what textbooks I need?
Do I need them by the first day of school?

Thanks in advanced
Usually you don't necessariliy "need" your textbook on the first day, but it will be a good habit to read the chapters before class.If you sign up to order your books from the bookstore they will have them all boxed up and ready for you to pick up, but buying from the book store isexpensive. Order off half.com, but usually they take about a week to arrive. If you want to know what books you need, there was a website where you can check(forgot where) anyone recall? or just e-mail your professors and ask, professors e-mail should be on your schedule.
daviswiki is your friend. check the links there. also use siscast, what most people don't know is that the UCD bookstore does price guarantee, just printout the page where it lists the books price and give that to the clerk, I save close to 2-300 every quarter
Originally Posted by Lil Cao

That's kool, Kevjumba going to my school, but I doubt he's going to be on my level (besides e-fame)

So textbooks, I need some tips. I'm trying to spend the least amount of money on textbooks.
Where should I buy them, and where should I sell them when done?
How do I know what textbooks I need?
Do I need them by the first day of school?

Thanks in advanced
i used the reserve section a lot. didnt even have to buy books. but it gets tricky when exams come around
Kevjumba?!?! Seriously?! Be my friend. On Facebook. lol

Be sure to look out for my magazine... Got to keep advertising.
Don't tell anybody else the bookstore price trick, if toomany people use it they'll stop it. I still try to get most of my books from half, still a little cheaper. But if I feel like I need it immediately then Ijust get it from the bookstore.
Thanks for the info guys, the siscast thing looks useful so I will be def. using it.

Another q..
I'm planning on making the switch from Tercero [Pierce Hall M] to Segundo.
Is Pierce Hall even any good? I heard it's the oldest dorm. Oh.. and vinyl floors if that sounds any better. Tercero seems to have the least people aswell, from the looks of the facebook group, and not much going on.

The only thing I feel I'd lose from the switch is meeting people I've talked to on facebook already, and my officer position
. And only one of myclasses is close to Tercero, the rest are spread across the campus.

Yea I know it's my choice but I'd like some input on it, I have by sept. 5 to do it but I'm going to email asap.
You're leaving Tercero because you don't like me?

Damn that sucks that they gave you Pierce, I got Laben but uh, seems like Segundo gets it poppin more. I don't know, I don't know what to expectbecause the people I know going there are gonna be all spread out but there's a fair concentration in Segundo. Ayo, like I was tellin my other homies whenI helped my homegirl move into Berkeley this week: Berkeley girls are easy. I ain't did +*%% but stand in my homegirl's dorm window and a group ofgirls were inviting me and my homie like "hey you guys wanna come over?
" Plus Berekeley goggles ain't that bad.

To the point: So if any of y'all UCDNT dudes down to make an expedition to Berk and scoop up some women outside of our confines, let me know. No itain't gonna be like no NT invasion of Femalesneakerfiend.

Transportation: That one bus that takes us to B-town.

See y'all on the 21st orwhenever the hell you move in.
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