Unusual Food Combos That You Eat

Oct 4, 2004
Unusual Food Combos That You Eat

mine are

Pizza with a side of fries

Popcorn and a chocolate bar

Pop corn with hot sauce as a topping (my fiancee put me on to that)

Mixing a bag of Flamming Hot Cheetos with Blazin Buffalo Doritos
Originally Posted by ReasonablyIll89

cup of noodles w/ hot sauce.

or does everyone do this?

I do

Melted cheese on my hot cheetos

Hot sauce on my eggs

Hot sauce on popcorn that's all I can think of
when i was younger i always did:

chili cheese fries and ketchup

flaming hot cheetos mixed with cheese popcorn
rice with cheese
rice with ketchup

cut back though, salt intake was crazy
my friend put jalapenos in his popcorn

and i see people eat hot cheetos with cream cheese
Peanut butter oatmeal

It's crack. I've had at least a bowl a day for the past month.
i like to have syrup glazed over some hot biscuits

I also put Garcia Sausages on a Martin's potato bun w/ ketchup, mustard and relish
not really somethin i eat- but it's more of a condiment

mixin mayo and ketchup

with fries
with cheesesteaks

i can't be the only one that does this...
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