Resolved Updates to the Mobile Layout

Feb 8, 2009
I like a couple of the changes like the menu on the left no longer being page-length (if I'm remembering correctly) and the words tied to obvious actions on the bottom right of each post being taken away, but:
  • I'd like the '___ minutes ago' at the bottom right corner of each thread's box (for lack of a better term) on a forum page to come back because there's still that design quirk of threads you're up to date on taking you to the first post every subsequent time you enter them, until something new is posted. The only work around (as far as I know) was to tap that bit of text instead.
  • The extra step to get to watched forums and threads is inconvenient. It's great that all the forums are now accessible from within the menu, but tucking the watched content within the Home drop-down, and then having every drop-down EXCEPT it be open by default is odd. I'd argue that watched content being on front street would be more useful for most members than that "What's New" thing is.
Pardon me if this feedback was premature and you guys are still tinkering with it currently, but these stuck out to me so I figured I'd document them in the appropriate venue.

EDIT: The edit icon being lifted from out of that small menu is another great change.
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I'd like the '___ minutes ago' at the bottom right corner of each thread's box (for lack of a better term) on a forum page to come back because there's still that design quirk of threads you're up to date on taking you to the first post every subsequent time you enter them, until something new is posted. The only work around (as far as I know) was to tap that bit of text instead.

Are you talking about when you view the site in desktop or mobile device?
Are you talking about when you view the site in desktop or mobile device?

To correct my original statement though, it is also possible to tap on the most recent page number as well.

But the '___ minutes ago' was by far the most convenient way to jump to the last post in a thread you were already up to date on. It also just helps general navigation as well in my opinion, because it feels odd to not be able to see how recently a thread had been posted in without entering it.
There use to be a desktop version link on mobile that is no longer there or I can't find.

Only thing left is the browser's desktop version which is not the same thing.
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