Valentine's Day question

Aug 7, 2006
Hello All. 

Quick question- met this girl couple weeks ago in school, we've talked/flirted a little. She's new to the school but from the area. I sent her a casual message earlier tonight to grab lunch tomorrow; she said she can't make it but suggested next Tuesday, 2/14. 

I've got no other plans then & don't mind, but i want to reply back poking fun at her suggesting that day. Any suggestions, thoughts? Good idea to go then or should i be busy & suggest another day? In the hat
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Tell her you'll have to go some place extra special that day and then go to mcdonalds. Vday mcchicken
Just agree to it of course. She's pretty cute, OP. Act like it's a normal day and go to simple food place then hit her with a rose. Cliche but it is Valentine's Day. Good Luck OP. 
Say that its good, cause you were planning to spend valentines day with your ex box 360.

yea i stole it. and what.

good looks on the pics though. early candidate of poster of the year.
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Just agree to it of course. She's pretty cute, OP. Act like it's a normal day and go to simple food place then hit her with a rose. Cliche but it is Valentine's Day. Good Luck OP. 

i actually like this idea, not too bad, good luck
Originally Posted by TSX24

Pls tell its the one on the left

tell me its the sheep girl.

Also what are they drinking rubbing alcohol and Bacardi? Pass 
Well, first of all, it's just lunch. You called it a casual message, and lunch that is likely in-between classes is nothing to toot your horn about, regardless of the holiday it just so happened to land on. She's clearly above-average in level of attractiveness and it is very likely that guys hit on her all the time so she's probably not dying for attention. Chances are that she is very aware that Tuesday is Valentine's Day (who isn't) so putting it out there will just make it awkward for both of you. However, it is obvious that she is open to meeting you (at the very least, as a friend), so attend the lunch with zero expectations and whatever you'll get above that is something to work with.

The only thing you should do is hit her up on Monday with a "Hey, we're still on for lunch tomorrow, right?" and finalize some plans. In fact, you had better have plans settled, but don't go overboard. "How's lunch at the crest of Niagara Falls at exactly 6:13 PM, which marks the sunset in Burma" is a bit too much. Tell her a time and a place that is convenient for her and a bit more intimate than the school cafeteria. Women love men who take charge.

Meet her for lunch and gauge her actions - this is first date protocol. How is she dressed? How concerned is she with her food? Is she really at lunch, or does she just want to meet you? If it's friendly and she doesn't make any clear moves, let it be. Hit her up a few days later and try to set up another date (dinner, drinks). If she agrees, then your answer is clear as water, and on the SECOND date are you openly allowed to poke fun at the fact that you two met up with Valentine's Day. Your kids will love that story. You extended the branch, she accepted, and made the situation a bit intriguing. Run with it.

Women don't get swept off their feet; they get beaten and slowly dragged in.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Well, first of all, it's just lunch. You called it a casual message, and lunch that is likely in-between classes is nothing to toot your horn about, regardless of the holiday it just so happened to land on. She's clearly above-average in level of attractiveness and it is very likely that guys hit on her all the time so she's probably not dying for attention. Chances are that she is very aware that Tuesday is Valentine's Day (who isn't) so putting it out there will just make it awkward for both of you. However, it is obvious that she is open to meeting you (at the very least, as a friend), so attend the lunch with zero expectations and whatever you'll get above that is something to work with.

The only thing you should do is hit her up on Monday with a "Hey, we're still on for lunch tomorrow, right?" and finalize some plans. In fact, you had better have plans settled, but don't go overboard. "How's lunch at the crest of Niagara Falls at exactly 6:13 PM, which marks the sunset in Burma" is a bit too much. Tell her a time and a place that is convenient for her and a bit more intimate than the school cafeteria. Women love men who take charge.

Meet her for lunch and gauge her actions - this is first date protocol. How is she dressed? How concerned is she with her food? Is she really at lunch, or does she just want to meet you? If it's friendly and she doesn't make any clear moves, let it be. Hit her up a few days later and try to set up another date (dinner, drinks). If she agrees, then your answer is clear as water, and on the SECOND date are you openly allowed to poke fun at the fact that you two met up with Valentine's Day. Your kids will love that story. You extended the branch, she accepted, and made the situation a bit intriguing. Run with it.

Women don't get swept off their feet; they get beaten and slowly dragged in.
Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Well, first of all, it's just lunch. You called it a casual message, and lunch that is likely in-between classes is nothing to toot your horn about, regardless of the holiday it just so happened to land on. She's clearly above-average in level of attractiveness and it is very likely that guys hit on her all the time so she's probably not dying for attention. Chances are that she is very aware that Tuesday is Valentine's Day (who isn't) so putting it out there will just make it awkward for both of you. However, it is obvious that she is open to meeting you (at the very least, as a friend), so attend the lunch with zero expectations and whatever you'll get above that is something to work with.

The only thing you should do is hit her up on Monday with a "Hey, we're still on for lunch tomorrow, right?" and finalize some plans. In fact, you had better have plans settled, but don't go overboard. "How's lunch at the crest of Niagara Falls at exactly 6:13 PM, which marks the sunset in Burma" is a bit too much. Tell her a time and a place that is convenient for her and a bit more intimate than the school cafeteria. Women love men who take charge.

Meet her for lunch and gauge her actions - this is first date protocol. How is she dressed? How concerned is she with her food? Is she really at lunch, or does she just want to meet you? If it's friendly and she doesn't make any clear moves, let it be. Hit her up a few days later and try to set up another date (dinner, drinks). If she agrees, then your answer is clear as water, and on the SECOND date are you openly allowed to poke fun at the fact that you two met up with Valentine's Day. Your kids will love that story. You extended the branch, she accepted, and made the situation a bit intriguing. Run with it.

Women don't get swept off their feet; they get beaten and slowly dragged in.
yea that's pretty solid. thanks for the advice- i'll go with that.
I wish it was the blonde in the glasses..
dibs on the girl on the far left...
but id probably make the joke. choose words wisely though.  very wisely...
Originally Posted by calibeebee

yea that's pretty solid. thanks for the advice- i'll go with that.
I wish it was the blonde in the glasses..

Who is it then????

Girl in the hat; it's at end of 2nd paragraph. TLDR eh?
real life...

bruh, go... and what you do is just get her a small $%# little candy thing or a vday card...just because...

like those little small hearts filled with skittles or whatever... or a vday card of like spider man or something...
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Well, first of all, it's just lunch. You called it a casual message, and lunch that is likely in-between classes is nothing to toot your horn about, regardless of the holiday it just so happened to land on. She's clearly above-average in level of attractiveness and it is very likely that guys hit on her all the time so she's probably not dying for attention. Chances are that she is very aware that Tuesday is Valentine's Day (who isn't) so putting it out there will just make it awkward for both of you. However, it is obvious that she is open to meeting you (at the very least, as a friend), so attend the lunch with zero expectations and whatever you'll get above that is something to work with.

The only thing you should do is hit her up on Monday with a "Hey, we're still on for lunch tomorrow, right?" and finalize some plans. In fact, you had better have plans settled, but don't go overboard. "How's lunch at the crest of Niagara Falls at exactly 6:13 PM, which marks the sunset in Burma" is a bit too much. Tell her a time and a place that is convenient for her and a bit more intimate than the school cafeteria. Women love men who take charge.

Meet her for lunch and gauge her actions - this is first date protocol. How is she dressed? How concerned is she with her food? Is she really at lunch, or does she just want to meet you? If it's friendly and she doesn't make any clear moves, let it be. Hit her up a few days later and try to set up another date (dinner, drinks). If she agrees, then your answer is clear as water, and on the SECOND date are you openly allowed to poke fun at the fact that you two met up with Valentine's Day. Your kids will love that story. You extended the branch, she accepted, and made the situation a bit intriguing. Run with it.

Women don't get swept off their feet; they get beaten and slowly dragged in.

QFT.  You shouldn't be aggressive, but you should pick her brain a little and see where she's at.  What's her major, what is she trying to do after college, does she party (you obviously know the answer, but you can invite her out since she's new to school), etc.  Idk about bringing her anything for Valentine's day because she'll probably see it as cute, but it also depends on if it's an actual date or just grabbing lunch in between classes.  I probably would just to make her feel special, but I wouldn't get her a box or chocolates or a bouquet of roses, maybe a card or something small.  You'll be good though, hook NT up with some more pics of the girl in the glasses
Originally Posted by Degenerate423

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

QFT.  You shouldn't be aggressive, but you should pick her brain a little and see where she's at.  What's her major, what is she trying to do after college, does she party (you obviously know the answer, but you can invite her out since she's new to school), etc.  Idk about bringing her anything for Valentine's day because she'll probably see it as cute, but it also depends on if it's an actual date or just grabbing lunch in between classes.  I probably would just to make her feel special, but I wouldn't get her a box or chocolates or a bouquet of roses, maybe a card or something small.  You'll be good though, hook NT up with some more pics of the girl in the glasses
Ok sounds good. What about the guys saying bring a single rose or valentine's card- overkill?
Here's a couple moreof the girl in glasses. Unfortunately, she wears the glasses all the time bc her eyes are a little messed up (not as bad as Stu Scott, but you get the idea). She's still smokin tho


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