Vanessa Bryant likes to talk dirty (maybe she is..pic update pg 3)

There's a reason why Kobe's smart, educated, classy parents dis-owned dude for 2 years when he married her. They know shes a nut job. They only gave inwhen the lil' nut-job was born.
you guys actually think she looks good in that pic that was just posted?

hoodrat status. looks like shes gaining weight too.
^Why is Kob's left fist balled up in that pic?

Oh yeah and 'Nessa could get it looking like that nowadays
somebody call CTU and get jack bauer over here cause the dude with biohazard bag is plotting something
Originally Posted by only 2three

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

OK, a high school droupout...I can see why she would lack any class whatsoever. But you'd think being married to Kobe all these years, being a part of a different circle, she'd change. I guess not.

She's hot, but clearly nothing special for a professional athlete, let alone a world-famous, good-looking superstar like Kobe. Look at the girls Tom Brady messes with.


im a kobe fan but damm... anyways.. i agree with the other things you said... and i never knew why kobe married this chick in the first place....
Originally Posted by only 2three

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

OK, a high school droupout...I can see why she would lack any class whatsoever. But you'd think being married to Kobe all these years, being a part of a different circle, she'd change. I guess not.

She's hot, but clearly nothing special for a professional athlete, let alone a world-famous, good-looking superstar like Kobe. Look at the girls Tom Brady messes with.


im a kobe fan but damm... anyways.. i agree with the other things you said... and i never knew why kobe married this chick in the first place....

Kobe eff any girl he wants( with some posts on this forum maybe most dudes as well) willingly or unwillingly....

^Why is Kob's left fist balled up in that pic?

Prolly spotted Zodog or FRESH
The homophobia on NT is OD sometime; insecure 16 year olds with insecurity problems. Get over it, Kobe could have done physically, mentally, and probablyemotionally better with someone else.

But its all good, if hes happy then hes happy.
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