VETERANS DAY: A big thank you to those who have served our country

Happy Veterans Day!!! One of my Great-Grandfather's, both of my Grandfather's, my Dad, and 2 of my Uncles were in the military. I really wish I wouldhave went for at least 4 years instead of going right to College. I have much respect to all veterans.

this is where your tax dollars are going, to help me browse NT on my day off
I have respect 4 all those who put their lives on the line 2 keep the country we love (or tolerate) safe from those who would do us harm. It would be a granddisservice 2 disregard their most important contributions 2 the safety, welfare and prosperity of our republic. The US military is among the finest in theworld and I, 4 one, am proud that the fine men and women who serve not only do it 2 the best of their ability, but do it by choice. That is an act 2 becommended.

While I might not come from a military family, background, or tradition, I don't believe that's necessary 2 appreciate all out armed forces have done,and will continue 2 do 4 us. So I salute not only the veterans of service, but the future veterans. You do more than one could ever ask from most.'Preciate the day off 2.

*I approve this message*
Thanks, vets.

Not only do/did you serve our country, but you made my ride to work today exponentially easier because I didn't have to stop at crosswalks and wait for thestate workers to waddle in front of my car.
"You play the game to win!"
dude straight swaggerjacked your great grandfather.
Props to all the veterans, even though I don't...nvm this isn't the thread for that, but they get my respect for their bravery and for putting theirlife on the line even though..nvm

much respect
Yes. My family def. Appreciates your efforts day in and out. Something that I think we all take for granted. I'm actually embarrased for not caring more.
^ From one to another- Happy Veterans Day brother! Thanks for your sacrifice to protect our freedoms!
thanks bro. I don't think i've done too much freedom protecting, just alot of "hurry up and waiting"...
Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

i don't even feel like a veteran... nobody's told me happy veterans day either...

Thank you sir, your sacrifice is appreciated...
Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

thanks bro. I don't think i've done too much freedom protecting, just alot of "hurry up and waiting"...

That's the name of the game right:smile:
Appreciated indeed.

Have friends in the service and have been thinkin about a year enlisting myself!
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