Wake up people vol. *+@# can get real ugly real fast

I think it's just a matter of who "pushes the button" first. Those events could cause the rest of the world to go to war, though, so we have tobe careful.
wake up and do what? Its not like the regular american can do anything meaningful
Originally Posted by Cz7

wake up and do what? Its not like the regular american can do anything meaningful

Same !!$$ I thought
Rambo is only a movie buddy
Ok, what do you want us to do? We are aware? I wish we could evacuate S. Korea and just... nvm. Not in the mood to wish death. I much rather have Peace orsomething rather than death. The *&^& is N. Korea's issue with us? If they weren't being all flashy with nukes for no damn reason or w/e wewouldn't be in this predicament. Why can't everyone just chill the hell out??
Originally Posted by iBlink


Unlikely... but not impossible.
Again with the recent tests and failures of the Taeepodong II ICBMs this is not a fact that they can indeed hit with accuracy the HawaiianIslands. And the threat is being taken seriously The US Government recently had stern words for the PRNK, I'm sure every US intelligence agency is closelymonitoring the situation. If the North had more advance equipment they would have shown it off as a source of National Pride, and also to show everyone is thePacific Rim that they are to be feared given their recent activity if any such weapons existed, it would have been presented to the world by now as a show offorce the PRNK has never been silent about their arsenal and given their aggressive actions as of late, the weapons would have been paraded already.

The US government is aware of situation and maintaining vigilence, but taking a situation seriously does not mean tough actions need to be taken as some wouldwant, because such action would only further enbolden them. Example if you poke a dog with a stick enough it will bite back in kind. Rather a stern diplomacyand careful vilgilance will be a much better to ease tensions. The US government is already doing this.

Again here is the fact 1 Trident II SLBM with 8 w87 MIRV eq 800 megaton is enough to destroy the PRNK leaving about 105 remaining Trident II ICBMS in the 4 orso Ohio Class SSBNs currently deployed in the pacific, this is the firepower facing the North should the US detect an incoming ICBM threat to the HawaiianIslands. Not to mention are Aegis Class Crusiers and Patriot Missiles batteries that are design to intercept incoming missile threats. Though we don't haveAnti Ballistic Missiles (ABMS not publicly admitted to but who knows) we do have defenses against an incoming attack.
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