Want to Change the World? Vol. KONY 2012

Originally Posted by ksteezy

What do you guys recommend I do with my kit?

I dunno how to break it to my girl that this is all a gimmick

She took time off from work on $#$+ too, damn it b
just do it man 
i thought, well why do they want us to post his posters up here...when he over there 
Originally Posted by Coolidge Effect

Kony 2012 has become a national pin of dicussion in every families household. Three days since the video was posted online, Kony 2012 was able to generate 36 million views, beating even the funniest of viral videos.
But, as Kony 2012 gains support, lobbyists and CEOs command Obama to eliminate regulations on “Conflict Minerals
Originally Posted by ksteezy

What do you guys recommend I do with my kit?

I dunno how to break it to my girl that this is all a gimmick

She took time off from work on $#$+ too, damn it b

ya'll should go to uganda. 
go to uganda

find kony, kill him

post pics on NT


Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

@ the Jerry Lavigne video. Like, real talk, how is a KIT and MERCHANDISE going to help stop this bogeyman?

word, it's almost as if they're trying to make it all about themselves...
Originally Posted by TheGr8BlkHope

Originally Posted by Oasis

Originally Posted by Gry60

I REALLY need to read Confessions of an Economic Hitman
ordered my copy today. heard abt it on that tariq nasheed podcast earlier.
i have it laying under my bed somewhere. i read the first 20 pages then i forgot about it. im too lazy lol.
from what i read it seems real interesting and have to start reading it again
Anyone get their kit yet?

Im waiting on mine but Im thinking they might not deliver

I don't whats more troubling, the amount of people in the world that don't think for themselves, or the amount of people in the world think they are thinking for themselves, when they're clearly not.
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