Washington NFL Team Finally Drops Name

Hopefully we chased most of them away by now. I remember how many people whined and pouted when we added that slur to our profanity filter years ago. Pathetic.

@ninjahood, is that you?

Seriously? Imagine being a member of the Rappahannock nation and seeing a racist try to trademark and profit from it.

Cultural appropriation is not an "honor."
Wouldn’t they have to pay said tribe? Everybody wins?
Washington Criminal's, would be another suggestion for a name. I feel that it's an accurate representation of the section.
Washington Criminal's, would be another suggestion for a name. I feel that it's an accurate representation of the section.

Perfect logo/mascot right here

The more KHUFU KHUFU makes everything about race, the More Guccishades Guccishades had to make racist comments himself. He had no choice. Da economic anxiety he faced by not taking my advise to resell hand sanitizer was DEVASTATING.
Yes, simply talking about race, makes one a racist. I stand by this example.
if they change the name and somehow become good I might finally be a fan. These mf been trash almost my entire life.

Just cheer for the Ravens dude-no need to support a POS like Dan Snyder... Dude literally straight up pimped out his franchise’s own cheerleaders to big spenders-like wtf, who does that?
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