Ways to protect eyesight if you use the computer a lot?

Aug 24, 2009
I have great eyesight, never needed glasses except lately I noticed I've been using the computer more and more in order to get work done and just to browse and read stuff. I'm talking a couple hours a day.

What are some ways I can preserve my vision? Is the only way just to use it less?

Any input is appreciated.
my eyesight

naturally bad eye sight + not wearing your glasses consistently + being in front of a laptop 24/7=blind as a bat

Every 20 minutes, take a 20 second break to stare at something 20+ feet away.
If you are going to be using the computer for long periods of time, it's best to take a break (Usually ~15 minutes or more) and give your eyes a rest every now and then. My doctor told me to take a few moments out of your break to look far into the distance or to look at green-coloured backgrounds or things with lots of green on them.

I've also downloaded an application called Flux onto my computer, it has worked wonders. It basically automatically adjusts the shades and brightness of the computer screen as the day goes on so it goes easy on the eyes. You can download and read more about it on their site:

Stepping away in general is a good idea. Stretch your body, prolonged sitting is awful for you.

In regards to your vision, take a couple breaks an hour to look around at something other than the screen, it will help... but your eyesight will get worse with age no matter what you do.
I'm not so sure being at a computer for long periods of time actually does harm to one's eyes. The problem is that people stare too long at the screen without blinking, which in turn strains your eyes and puts significant amount of stress on them. So just make sure you keep your eyes moisturized by blinking a lot. I know i read that somewhere
I'm going to try the looking away and check out Flux tomorrow. The blinking isn't a problem, I don't just stare at a screen without blinking.
time spent on the computer has an inverse relationship with the quality of eyesight.
time used on computer = time spent watching porn
why is there a need for porn? = to masturbate

therefore, if one masturbates less, the eyesight improves.
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