Just seen both episodes
Loved the fact that I’m seeing new marvel stuff

it’s great show so far but confusing
I’m just so lost at what this leads too
The rumors are confirming what we’ve known for months :nthat: **** is about get weird...

Evan Peter’s as the Quicksilver from DoFP and Xmen Apocalypse will be in WandaVision
I’d daredevils coming to the mcu

will we possibly see bernthals punisher too? 😳
:rofl: If they got mans continually playing stage theater Loki.

A death of Loki play would be funny. Get John Goodman to be Thanos.

On the other hand, if its a serious role wow @ how Matt got himself in to the MCU and superhero movies in general. You know Ben extra jealous.

bernthal pretty much said marvel should retire the character because of the capitol riot so its not likely at least not in the near future
Bernthal said that? Wow what a fool.

Guess Punisher with him wont be likely.
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my bad, article title was misleading

THE PUNISHER Star Jon Bernthal Responds To Skull Logo Backlash & Calls To "Retire" The Character

i read it like he wanted to retire the character, looks like he’s just mad at the idiots who used the logo



Internet is going to go nuts when all the other character on set photos begin to leak.
Just came here to say... WandaVision us awful. That is all.

I think he’s playing both.

So he does that to F with Wanda while we all get the wink? I can dig it.

Just seen both episodes
Loved the fact that I’m seeing new marvel stuff

it’s great show so far but confusing
I’m just so lost at what this leads too

I think that's what turns a lot of people off but is also why the ones that love it do. Nothing's supposed to make sense right now and you have to have that Marvel faith and know there's a bigger picture. I imagine there'll be a lot of call backs to these episodes once the season is over. Is this show 2 episodes every week?
If you follow the comics, it's pretty certain what they're going for with wandavision. Scarlett witch is insanely powerful but has mental breakdown issues.. In house of M comic, she takes away ALL MUTANTS powers (from millions to a few hundred) and makes EVERYONE forget (except wolverine and a handful of others).

The set-up is clear.. They're showing off her powers to CHANGE REALITY on a global scale.. They're setting up her mental fragility and her powers simultaneously
Well for those who know, that is obvious.

Maybe, Wanda changes reality and the time it takes place is after a few of these other Marvel shows but it affects a few movies like obviously Spidey and then Dr. Strange tries to fix it via the multiverse and it only kinda works.

They're maybe gonna figure a way to make it so the MCU remains intact while stuff like mutants somehow always existed (also maybe Eternals, Inhumans, Marvel Netflix, etc). Highly doubt that'll include Fox-Men.
^More for the people who aren't liking wandavision right now. If you're expecting crazy non-stop action, I don't think this is going to be it. More world-building and character development. Scarlett Witch is a really prominent character and can be the main antagonist in several future films
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