I did not know this at all but Ragnarok was written so that the New Gods would take over the Marvel Norse Pantheon. Then some contractual obligation between Jack Kirby and DC pretty much made it so they went to DC after a feud he had with Marvel.

Damn I want to read a comic from the alt universe where Darkseid, Metron, Big Barda, Granny and all them are Marvel characters

And marvel wants to fill this movie with snappy jokes :smh:
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When do you think Thanos is gonna have completed the Gauntlet?

I feel like he's gonna have all but probably one during the beginning of IW and complete it in like the final 20 minutes. they'll have the all hope is lost **** be the cliffhanger
sunshineblotters, who is that in your avy? Would fight Thanos to see them thangs bounce unrestricted.
Watched Dark Knight yesterday night. Man, Heath put his all in that part. If Marvel doesn't deliver with Thanos and whoever else in Infinity Wars, all this buildup is gonna be a huge disappointment. Don't know how many more throwaway villains they can get away with. With that said tho, I believe we'll get nothing but greatness with Phase III. Only movie that's a question mark for me is Thor III, but with it being about Ragnarok and Hulk being in it, Im not as skeptical about it as others are.
You probably really shouldn't be looking at Thanos as the guy to measure up to Heath's Joker performance. There are some fundamental and essential things dude has to his advantage that Thanos doesn't and probably won't get in the movie.

At best you should be hoping for some sort of Darth Vader lane greatness from Thanos and even then that's dependent on how much screen time dude gets. 2 movies dedicated to him is a good start though.
Mark my words Ultron will be superior to Thanos
I'd bet money Thanos will end up being a better villain than Ultron.

Spader>>>>Brolin and that's all that matters
This is irrelevant when the writing doesn't match up to the actor's talent and skill. I'd say Spader > Heath but Heath's Joker is the far superior villain.

You look at the actors playing villains in all of these superhero movies and the majority are getting the shaft. In a dream world do you really think Spader was the right choice for Ultron? If they're gonna do it, do it right.

Even dude who played Malekith in Thor 2 (who isn't that famous but plays bad guys really well) and his right hand played by Mr. Eko got their acting talent completely looked over. Same with the disservice done to Bane and Tom Hardy in TDKR.
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Mark my words Ultron will be superior to Thanos
I'd bet money Thanos will end up being a better villain than Thanos
tbh I'd say they are about equal 
:rofl: Got me on that error.

I did not know this at all but Ragnarok was written so that the New Gods would take over the Marvel Norse Pantheon. Then some contractual obligation between Jack Kirby and DC pretty much made it so they went to DC after a feud he had with Marvel.
I knew about the 2 times Kirby got fed up with Marvel and left and why he ended up leaving DC but I did not know that he intended for all of those 4th World comics to be for Marvel and not DC.

When it came to his out of continuity stuff, DC got that and Marvel got the Eternals. While there are some not so popular and even lame characters, clearly DC got the better batch of stories (or you could say DC had to heavily promote and use that stuff) and characters.

Imagining Darkseid in Marvel definitely changes what Thanos would end up being by Starlin.
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You probably really shouldn't be looking at Thanos as the guy to measure up to Heath's Joker performance. There are some fundamental and essential things dude has to his advantage that Thanos doesn't and probably won't get in the movie.
I don't expect Brolin to live up to Heaths performance. I was just saying with how Marvel treats most of their villains, I don't want him to end up being disappointing after all this buildup.
Make Thanos a terrifying scumbag. Have him murk hawkeye's fam, gwyneth paltrow, and a few of the heroes.
Vin Diesel Says Black Bolt Role In INHUMANS Depends On Script And Director

"I don’t do too much ’if it happens. Do you know what I mean?'… I don’t do too much ’if it happens,’ it’s more at what level it will happen… it’s not a matter of me wooing Marvel, it’s a matter of Marvel wooing me. And I love them, but I’m just saying, show me a dope script and show me a great director, all of which I know that Kevin [Feige] is capable of, because he dazzled me when he suggested Groot. That was, like, profound to me. I thought [Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy] was genius. I’m not doing anything just for work. I’m doing things that I can feel passionate about, and that I feel like I can contribute to.”
He should start by murking everyone from AoS except Fitz.
Wow this fanboying for Fitz just went full obsession mode :lol: Kill off the whole cast but Fitz? :lol: Madness.
Vin Diesel Says Black Bolt Role In INHUMANS Depends On Script And Director

"I don’t do too much ’if it happens. Do you know what I mean?'… I don’t do too much ’if it happens,’ it’s more at what level it will happen… it’s not a matter of me wooing Marvel, it’s a matter of Marvel wooing me. And I love them, but I’m just saying, show me a dope script and show me a great director, all of which I know that Kevin [Feige] is capable of, because he dazzled me when he suggested Groot. That was, like, profound to me. I thought [Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy] was genius. I’m not doing anything just for work. I’m doing things that I can feel passionate about, and that I feel like I can contribute to.”
Vin feeling himself too much.

Son thinks cuz he got word out there to make it seem like he passed on directing the next FF that he's somehow in demand. I aint knocking his hustle but son needs to slow down before a bad movie brings him back down to Earth hard.

Saying a whole lot of nothing in that quote :lol: "Profound", Marvel wooing you :lol: ***** please.
:lol: I remember he used to say that after the 1st run of F&F, did random movies, didn't work out how he wanted, now the series is more popular than ever so he got the battery in his back again.
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