Probably being kept out as a surprise. I really do not expect to see him in any marketing materials with a cameo role.
Strange just seems like the anti Tony Stark to me, super serious and not very fun.

Sure, we can use those adjectives to describe Cap too, but Cap is just awesome no matter what.

the Marvel movies are lighthearted and funny is written into the script, i think some of us will be pleasantly surprised when it drops.
I don't think Benedict going to be the face because he is Strange. I think strange going to be awesome, because of Benedict.

If he can some how blend that serious tone of him wth the wittiness of Sherlock Holmes :wow:
who needs teammates when you have cap and buck 

They're probably going to make her somewhat of a match for BW. She's already geared up like her in the other pics. SW and Antman aren't shown in Caps side though.
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They're probably going to make her somewhat of a match for BW. She's already geared up like her in the other pics. SW and Antman aren't shown in Caps side though.

what are you talking about? Antman is front and center. :smokin

This image was the one in discussion, no SW or Antman on Caps side. That pic I posted (above) was to show Agent 13 with BW gear as a response on what she might be capable of doing.

View media item 1856680
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Probably being kept out as a surprise. I really do not expect to see him in any marketing materials with a cameo role.
I expect to see him in the final trailer and in promos right before the movie drops.

There's over promotion and under promotion. Not letting ppl know Spidey is in the movie and banking on it'll be a surprise is a risk I don't think would work. I know ppl who are going to see this movie that have no idea Spidey is going to be in it and ppl on the fence that see no reason to go.
ahh ok gotcha.

SW i believe will be on Caps side as shown at the end of AoU plus she doesnt like Tony.

i feel Antman will serve as the other big dude from the 2007 CW comic that dies at the hands of Tonys creation. obviously he wont die though.
I expect to see him in the final trailer and in promos right before the movie drops.

There's over promotion and under promotion. Not letting ppl know Spidey is in the movie and banking on it'll be a surprise is a risk I don't think would work. I know ppl who are going to see this movie that have no idea Spidey is going to be in it and ppl on the fence that see no reason to go.

i think its smart though, itll get people talking, word of mouth will spread like "yooo spiderman showed up!" add another couple thousand to the box office. :smokin

cant wait to see Marvels interpretation.
bucky with the biker bro cut off arm sleeve just to show off his arm 

you would think he's doing all he can to not be recognised as the WS
I expect to see him in the final trailer and in promos right before the movie drops.

There's over promotion and under promotion. Not letting ppl know Spidey is in the movie and banking on it'll be a surprise is a risk I don't think would work. I know ppl who are going to see this movie that have no idea Spidey is going to be in it and ppl on the fence that see no reason to go.

i think its smart though, itll get people talking, word of mouth will spread like "yooo spiderman showed up!" add another couple thousand to the box office. :smokin

cant wait to see Marvels interpretation.
I totally get that I just think it'll make more sense to just show Spidey in a promo the week before the movie comes out.

Have it be a scene where he's interacting with the Avengers in a fight or something. It'll be totally irresistible to movie fans and you might just get a couple more million in the box office the first few days.
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