How late are you
I don't follow nor care for these chicks; I know none of these actresses by name
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Watched Dark Knight yesterday night. Man, Heath put his all in that part. If Marvel doesn't deliver with Thanos and whoever else in Infinity Wars, all this buildup is gonna be a huge disappointment. Don't know how many more throwaway villains they can get away with. With that said tho, I believe we'll get nothing but greatness with Phase III. Only movie that's a question mark for me is Thor III, but with it being about Ragnarok and Hulk being in it, Im not as skeptical about it as others are.
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I wonder if the general / casual movie audience notice that the mcu movie villains have no staying power. I wonder if the Red Skull would've been used again if hugo weaving wasn't such a bish about playing him.
Spader>>>>Brolin and that's all that matters

There will be no Marvel villain besides Loki that won't be "lame" and be sonned by the end of their movie. Given Thano's track record in the comics I'd say it's a grim prognosis

Hell the Hydra director from TWS is the only Marvel villain in 8 years that I take seriously
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I would think with 2 movies thanos will get alot of shine the 1st one...

Then galaxy spiderman will come through movie 2 washing everyone
The mcu is about the heroes anyway.

I always thought that the MCU was about the MCU but that's just me

I would think with 2 movies thanos will get alot of shine the 1st one...

Then galaxy spiderman will come through movie 2 washing everyone

Mark my words Thanos will shine heavy in part one, just because that's what all Marvel villains do in the first acts of their movies is shine and be menacing. No heroes we care about will die except maybe Vision.

The entirety of IW part 2 will be Thanos taking consecutive Ls until his ultimate defeat....like Act 3 of every Marvel movie. Then the memes will begin.
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Thanos will fersure deliver. The main thing I'm worried about is who's going to die. Because somebody has to. Maybe even multiple people.
Possibly Cap (or did evans sign for more movies?)

it would be a good way to get Mackey in there. as Captain Falcon or even a new cap for awhile.
I really want to see what they're going to do with Bucky in phase 3. Would like to see Disney's quicksilver resurface in IW or Inhumans
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