Welcome to the poorest district in America

I was born, raised and STILL live in the bronx....not in sound view, or in the south bronx, but I grew up in Parkchester and the area is up there with Soundview....I recently worked at a school in the South Bronx, and seeing things daily makes you really open your eyes up and say WOW, what is going on in this world, especially America.....failing schools on the verge of closing, poverty, drugs, etc...Its an ongoing issue that most people tend to turn their faces at the problem instead of trying to HELP....I worked in the school for a few months and personally, it has changed my view on life....I am dedicating hours daily/weekly and working with others, including NTers in trying to find ways to MAKE A DIFFERENCE, especially in the South Bronx area...

I have plans/ideas on paper, and will be making a thread here on NT General very soon.....Us NTers come together to help when there are natural disasters, famines, etc., so why not do the same for OUR communities....

I know NT has their trolls,and people will joke on the subject, but this is REAL Life with REAL life PROBLEMS...and the only way to make a difference is if people come together and MAKE a difference.
the bronx is and will always be a dump.... It aint the place to move to if you looking for job opportunities...

some parts of brownsville still looks like the 80s....

its NYC the home of wealthy people, middle class people, and poor people.....

getting a job paying 9 - 10 dollars a hr is moving backwards in nyc , when rent and other things cost much more than the national avg
Perhaps their biggest problem is that they vote overwhelmingly for one party.  They have had two congressional leaders represent their district and conditions seemed to be unchanged until recently (according to the census data posted earlier).

Typically the "battleground" districts are the ones that get the most funding since the incumbant is fighting to stay in power and will funnel money into the district to "show how much he cares".

Originally Posted by devildog1776

the bronx is and will always be a dump.... It aint the place to move to if you looking for job opportunities...
This is a dump? 










Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

The bronx is not even close to being the poorest place in America.� Not even close.

How about 80% unemployment
97% below the poverty line
61% of children live below the poverty line
Per capita income of $6,200
Infant mortality 5 times above national average
70% school droup-out rate
Estimated 17 people per single family house
59% of homes are substandard
39% of homes have no electricity or running water



[font=Arial, Helvetica]http://www.eaglesnestcenter.org/images/WashingBaby059.jpg[/font]

 Surprised to see people living like this in America
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

How much does cost of living in NY and overpopulation play a role?

Watching that video though, still didn't look poorer than the area my dad is from (Pachuta) in Mississippi, or the Appalachian mountains. Driving through there is like going back 3 centuries in a time machine. And they are still EXTREMELY openly racist. My dad must've sprinted back to the car after asking these white dudes sitting out front of a general store directions.

A whole lot. The constant inflow of immagration while we have high cost of living just increases cost and makes it harder for everyone overall due to the lack of space.

I've have been around there and its no different than any other hood. People are struggling but it ain't that damn bad. From the looks of the video they just looked around for the worse of the worse to flim.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

The bronx is not even close to being the poorest place in America.� Not even close.

How about 80% unemployment
97% below the poverty line
61% of children live below the poverty line
Per capita income of $6,200
Infant mortality 5 times above national average
70% school droup-out rate
Estimated 17 people per single family house
59% of homes are substandard
39% of homes have no electricity or running water



[font=Arial, Helvetica]http://www.eaglesnestcenter.org/images/WashingBaby059.jpg[/font]

 Surprised to see people living like this in America
There are SOOOOOOO many reason for this its not even funny. Though in a nutshell white settlers forced natives on lands that were pretty much crap then left them to fend for themselves. It has continued for a while now.
Originally Posted by UPandCOMING32

I was born, raised and STILL live in the bronx....not in sound view, or in the south bronx, but I grew up in Parkchester and the area is up there with Soundview....I recently worked at a school in the South Bronx, and seeing things daily makes you really open your eyes up and say WOW, what is going on in this world, especially America.....failing schools on the verge of closing, poverty, drugs, etc...Its an ongoing issue that most people tend to turn their faces at the problem instead of trying to HELP....I worked in the school for a few months and personally, it has changed my view on life....I am dedicating hours daily/weekly and working with others, including NTers in trying to find ways to MAKE A DIFFERENCE, especially in the South Bronx area...

I have plans/ideas on paper, and will be making a thread here on NT General very soon.....Us NTers come together to help when there are natural disasters, famines, etc., so why not do the same for OUR communities....

I know NT has their trolls,and people will joke on the subject, but this is REAL Life with REAL life PROBLEMS...and the only way to make a difference is if people come together and MAKE a difference.


That's the train station(Prospect Ave) that is at my moms place. They want to blame someone but at the same time they can make changes instead of just waiting for it to come. Still love the boro and nyc.
Like others have said in this thread the biggest problem with this video is that it's sensationalism. The source is an English-Language Russian Television station that is alleged to have ties to the Kremlin. They're the same Russian television station that made the video about how American Black Women can't find suitable partners. There may be some truth in their reporting but it's clear they have a bias.

Also like another poster alluded to The Bronx's Democratic Party is a well oiled machine. Since The Bronx is majority Latino most of the politicians are Puerto Rican and they treat politics like a family business. They make sure their sons are Assemblymen and State Senators and they create all these positions for their family members and put them on payroll. For the last 25 years 3 men have been Bronx Borough President and they are all New Yorkers of Puerto Rican descent. (They've all done a good job imo but the lack of diversity in leadership positions is part of the problem.) There have been a few corruption scandals with Bronx Democratic politicians including former State Senator Pedro Espada Jr. who may be the closest thing to Clay Davis that you'll ever see. 

Despite all of this Jose Serrano the district's Congressional representative has been an effective politician. He always sticks to his guns and he was the only congressman from NYC to vote against the bailout. He voted against the Patriot Act as well as the Iraq War and he also voiced his opposition to SOPA. He certainly could have done a better job over the years but with the state of Bronx politics it could be much much worse.

I've lived here all my life and the Bronx is bad right now but it's been much worse. The problem is that so many people benefit from the status quo any change in the way things are in the near future is highly unlikely.  
those rappers are ridiculous...tryin to drop knowledge but ain't got no clue what they're talking about...people like that make me mad - those that speak in vague terms trying to point the finger elsewhere.

i love the chick who sat there and said 'i don't know who i can blame...directly...but i feel it's like a compilation...' everyone wants to blame someone else instead of looking in the mirror.
Originally Posted by crcballer55

The most glaring thing I took out of that was that everyone was trying to find someone else to blame for the plights of the South Bronx.  If you don't like your circumstances, change them.  millions of people have immigrated to this country through much worse conditions to make a new life for themselves.  

Easily said by people with no experience living in poverty.
Me being one of those people that lived on both sides, I can tell you it's not just as simple as "going out and getting a job" like every person claims it to be.

Where are you going to get jobs when people are cutting them and having 1 person do 5 and 6 jobs. where are you going to find jobs where unrealistic employers want 5 - 7 years of experience with software that comes out every year but aren't willing to train "you just have to know this stuff from out of nowhere". And get this if you do know this stuff and willing to take on the duties of 5 or 6 other jobs they want to pay you between 9 - 12 dollars an hour. 

Yeah crazy I know!

So year I guess government isn't to blame for putting power in companies who have nobody's interest in mind but themselves. I guess employers who want to cut jobs and send them to india and china for pennies aren't the blame.

I got it let's instead blame it on the poor jobless people and call them lazy and freeloaders. Let's not differentiate from the people who obviously don't want jobs and just want to live off the gov't lets lump everybody together.

Easy simple solution.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

How much does cost of living in NY and overpopulation play a role?

Watching that video though, still didn't look poorer than the area my dad is from (Pachuta) in Mississippi, or the Appalachian mountains. Driving through there is like going back 3 centuries in a time machine. And they are still EXTREMELY openly racist. My dad must've sprinted back to the car after asking these white dudes sitting out front of a general store directions.
Stopping at a gas station in the south I've learned on to do that and ask directions, especially if the patrons there are all white people wearing overalls and chewing spitting tobacco 

and get this name of the town is called harlem georgia.

Don't get it twisted.
When a white person is out of work, it's because their job was "outsourced to overseas".

When a minority is out of work, it's because "their lazy" and "want to live off the government".
"They're the same Russian television station that made the video about how American Black Women can't find suitable partners".

*Weebay gif*
Originally Posted by AceMaster193

The district is home to some of the greatest talents in all fields/areas. It's also home to some of the wildest %$^& you can surround yourself around. This is what they mean when they say, "If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere."
but theres so much more opportunity, everyone whose moved from my city to NY say NY is a cake walk compared to Detroit because it has so many opportunities to make money
but at the same time the people arguing that "all these people have to do is stop crying and work harder" are extremely naive, theres a reason why the south bx is like that and not manhattan, its not a mistake or coincidence at all
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