Welcome to World War III (!$$+ just got real) *EDIT: 4 dead, more injured

Cameco (CCJ) is another uranium play for those looking for a more liquid equity. Fed's QE 2, combined with imminent QE 2 from the Bank of England and inevitable QE from the ECB (when growth risks show up in German data, via CPI stalling) and QE 2 extension by the Fed in order to purchase muni bonds to bail out the states facing budget shortfalls (California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Michigan, etc all at risk) are all bullish commodities in the medium/long term, and uranium is a good play in that context as well, specifically due to rising energy demand from Canada & China. Risk of armed conflict involving a nuclear rogue state doesn't hurt uranium prices' outlook in the near-term, either.
Cameco (CCJ) is another uranium play for those looking for a more liquid equity. Fed's QE 2, combined with imminent QE 2 from the Bank of England and inevitable QE from the ECB (when growth risks show up in German data, via CPI stalling) and QE 2 extension by the Fed in order to purchase muni bonds to bail out the states facing budget shortfalls (California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Michigan, etc all at risk) are all bullish commodities in the medium/long term, and uranium is a good play in that context as well, specifically due to rising energy demand from Canada & China. Risk of armed conflict involving a nuclear rogue state doesn't hurt uranium prices' outlook in the near-term, either.
The US better stay out of this bad boy if it goes down. We already are fighting, no need to send more troops elsewhere eventually leading to the government saying "We may need to draft more soldiers". F that. NOPE!
The US better stay out of this bad boy if it goes down. We already are fighting, no need to send more troops elsewhere eventually leading to the government saying "We may need to draft more soldiers". F that. NOPE!
Originally Posted by Fatal Lightning

Originally Posted by UnderMedicated

Japan cant really get revenge on us,  they  only have a few limited defensive units and are not allowed to go on the offense.

And is it really a big deal if a boat is sent to Korea? Soldiers have always been stationed in Korea.

yes`it is a big deal, cause the US has nothing to do with it. and they come over and back up south korea, then north korea will def. go to war. why go over there when you have no business in being there?
More then half the people who join the ARMY are stationed in Korea for a year or more, so if their weren't any precautions set an american could be killed and someone would be blamed.
Originally Posted by Fatal Lightning

Originally Posted by UnderMedicated

Japan cant really get revenge on us,  they  only have a few limited defensive units and are not allowed to go on the offense.

And is it really a big deal if a boat is sent to Korea? Soldiers have always been stationed in Korea.

yes`it is a big deal, cause the US has nothing to do with it. and they come over and back up south korea, then north korea will def. go to war. why go over there when you have no business in being there?
More then half the people who join the ARMY are stationed in Korea for a year or more, so if their weren't any precautions set an american could be killed and someone would be blamed.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas



No. It's not.

Some just cannot comprehend the concept of empty posturing.
Some just cannot comprehend the concept of empty posturing.

I actually agree with you over the fact that it is posturing, jockeying for position
but i feel that this just goes to underline the fact that some countries are mad at the west especially china their little gang?
and until their issues are brought to the table and fixed then minor little insurgencies like this one will continue until someone decides to call their bluff and then when that happens it'll just?be a domino effect leading us into a new age of one world governement with unilateral(western or eastern dependant upon who gets it in ) rules

Therefore you're choosing to ignore how committed the koreans are to their bluff becuase dependant on that on how committed that would determine their action?
keeping with the poker theme ,an all in bluff? is different from a five chip bluff

as for the current situation the south now is out for?want blood

Some just cannot comprehend the concept of empty posturing.

I actually agree with you over the fact that it is posturing, jockeying for position
but i feel that this just goes to underline the fact that some countries are mad at the west especially china their little gang?
and until their issues are brought to the table and fixed then minor little insurgencies like this one will continue until someone decides to call their bluff and then when that happens it'll just?be a domino effect leading us into a new age of one world governement with unilateral(western or eastern dependant upon who gets it in ) rules

Therefore you're choosing to ignore how committed the koreans are to their bluff becuase dependant on that on how committed that would determine their action?
keeping with the poker theme ,an all in bluff? is different from a five chip bluff

as for the current situation the south now is out for?want blood

Originally Posted by alvin314159

how crazy is the north korean army?

im in tears.... the  MArines aint got nothing on these dudes.... 

if I got do hand to hand combat then we already lost
Originally Posted by alvin314159

how crazy is the north korean army?

im in tears.... the  MArines aint got nothing on these dudes.... 

if I got do hand to hand combat then we already lost
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Largest in terms of numbers of soldiers I'm guessing? USA trumps everybody easily (look at our defense spending budgets). Nobody wants to #$$@ with us on a military level.

          THIS. nobody wants to @+@% with you guys, everybody knows you have the best army in the world, trust me i know. My dad served at Sevastopol submarine base and he said they always thought about sailing to Turkey to escape from USSR army, usa had better conditions in the jail than ussr army had for their soldiers. And they knew when Cold War would start they didn't have any chance to survive, thats why their mission was to launch nuclear torpedo at Usa navy bases at Turkey asap.

         And North Korea don't have any chance against you guys, they have a lot of tanks, artillery etc, but thats all aged, Cold War age tech.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Largest in terms of numbers of soldiers I'm guessing? USA trumps everybody easily (look at our defense spending budgets). Nobody wants to #$$@ with us on a military level.

          THIS. nobody wants to @+@% with you guys, everybody knows you have the best army in the world, trust me i know. My dad served at Sevastopol submarine base and he said they always thought about sailing to Turkey to escape from USSR army, usa had better conditions in the jail than ussr army had for their soldiers. And they knew when Cold War would start they didn't have any chance to survive, thats why their mission was to launch nuclear torpedo at Usa navy bases at Turkey asap.

         And North Korea don't have any chance against you guys, they have a lot of tanks, artillery etc, but thats all aged, Cold War age tech.
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