Wesley Snipes released from Prison...

a white men can't jump 2 sounds good.  If they do a demolition man 2, they might as well do a new jack city 2 like they promised in'91
If there is another Expendables, Wesley better be in it.
He should be, Sly already stated there's a role for him provided everything went ok with his release ...along with Jackie Chan and Nick Cage 

Wes is appreciated, glad he's out.
stallone needs to put him in the next expendables :nerd:


he was supposed to be in part 1 but he had to go to prison

but yea put him on that

and make a new blade movie

and a new jack city movie :lol:

and a new passenger 57 movie
I can't see him in an Expendables movie...maybe in a direct to DVD rip off called "The Disposables" or something.
If there is another Expendables, Wesley better be in it.

He should be, Sly already stated there's a role for him provided everything went ok with his release ...along with Jackie Chan and Nick Cage 

Wes is appreciated, glad he's out.

I was with you up until "Nick Cage." :x

Stallone should get Wesley Snipes, Jackie Chan, Steven Seagal, Harrison Ford, Clint Eastwood, Michael Jai White, Liam Neeson, Burt Reynolds, Sean Connery, or Kurt Russell for the next one. Mel Gibson too.
Wes shoulda been a bigger star than he was. Dude could do everything... comedy, action, drama. Had the physique and the talent of a leading man and he was handsome too. Wish he got some bigger breaks/makes a comeback. Tarantino should put him in his new project about the black soldiers in WW2
Definitely wouldn't want to see Nic Cage in the Expendables. And I think Wesley would wipe the floor with Michael Jai White.
I've never really cared for vampire flicks, but Blade 2 is probably one of my personal favorite action films. Can't say the same about 1 & 3 though.

On another note, I hope Wes gets his ish together. I believe dude has another blockbuster film/cult classic or two left in him. Wouldn't mind seeing him and Woody Harrelson doing another film together for old times sake. :D
It's funny how Wesley Snipes going to jail killed all threads related to not having to pay taxes. If only we could prove other conspiracies wrong in such a cut and dried manner.
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