What are some of your weird habits?

i shake it more than twice

near the end of the session i do short little bursts so the stream is always straight.
another weird habit of mine is rubbing the hell out of the top parts of my feet when i'm in between sleep, to the point of almost starting a fire.

also after i take my socks off i really enjoy taking my big toe from each foot and rubbing in between the spaces of each toe.

both of these things feel really good, you guys should try it out.
i always flush mid pee and if i flush too early i have to do it again..

i switch outfits about 3 or 4 times a day..because as soon as i come back from somewhere i take all my ish off and chill in my undies..

and i feel its wasteful to have all these clothes and shoes if im not going to wear em..
Idk if some of you guys are trolling...but some of this **** is EXTREMELY OD and WEIRD as **** :lol:

:rofl: :rofl: I was thinking the same thing

Can't really think of anything but for some reason I sleep with one of my arms through my shorts or whatever I'm wearing. Not in my draws tho :lol:
I flush mid-pee also, but just to see if I can finish the stream before the water drains out completely. I call it "beat the flush". Been doing it for years, just recently had to tone it down since I have to pay a water bill. :lol: :smh:
When I sleep, the covers have to be pulled up to my shoulders at least, sometimes covering my head. I feel too exposed if not .

I cant sleep with someone in the same bed as me. The body heat sucks and just knowing some of the bed is off limits frustrates me to the point I can't sleep.
My ex used to sleep on the floor or couch and give me the bed when I would go to her place.

If/when I get married its def. gotta be a 2 bedroom and/or 2 seperate beds.
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^ kinda like you said I have to have something over my head. Started this habit freshman year in college. My entire life I hated having my head under the covers cause I couldn't breath the same. But in the apartment I had the couch was positioned in the living room next to a window without any blinds. I'd fall asleep a lot in the living room and the sun would just be glaring in my face but I was too lazy to walk to bed so I put the covers over my head. Move forward to now its even more extreme. I have like 5 pillows on my bead and I sleep flat on my mattress with every pillow on my head while my head is flat on mattress. Not always, I mix it up depending on when I happen to fall asleep but yeah I love to sleep like that.

Something else is that I friggin hate the music on the radio but I always listen to the radio.

Never wanna go to sleep, never wanna wake up. But I'm sure many people have this issue.
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On my phone I like to open up every single app and program and just have every program running at once, just so I can close them all at the same time

And on my computer I do the same thing. Open up every bookmark (about 100 or so), sign into all of my accounts and then just close them all at once.

IDK why but I love doing that stuff. Making a big mess and then cleaning it up. :smokin
I sleep with the fan on 365, every season.

I have to have my socks on before I put on jeans or shorts.

I hit my lock button on my keys about 2-3 times to make sure my car is locked.
I eat my cereal in a cup.

I also always sleep with the fan on as well as the tv. ( if my husband turns it off in the middle of the night ill wake up and turn it back on)

First thing I do when I come home is turn the tv on, even if I'm not watching it.

As soon as I get out the shower I sit on the edge of my bed and put on lotion. If I don't ill literally itch soo bad.
Urinate in the sink(Only at my place though..)

I dip raw almonds in Sriracha. 

Ice cold showers. Especially before and after working out. 

Can't watch adult films with the sound on.
I pick at everything I eat, I have to inspect every part of it before I put it in my mouth...
I have to sleep with a fan/AC on no matter how cold it is
I chew on bottle caps, it's pretty unhealthy
i smoke b4 Everything. wake up? hit a j. Bout to cook Breakfast?roll a doob. Going to the Grocery Store? lite a fatty. Interview? **** it roll one up. Play the game? twist a L.gotta go to Court? Twirl the ishm up
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