What are some weird/unusual things you've seen people do??

^ I was in DTLA and saw two filthy bums giving each other foot rubs
Not that I do this, but... I would drape myself in velvet... if it were socially acceptable
Dude was brushing his teeth at work.....

at the urinal....

while taking a piss....


and he switched hands....
I remember back in the summer I took the B41 from downtown up to the Junction. I fell asleep all the way in the back. When I woke up a fine female was sitting next to me on a rather packed bus while the dude sitting next to the back door was staring right at me or her digging all in his nose with a menacing look like he was about to flick it our way.
I'm all groggy and mad uncomfortable like what the ++!# is going on here? Shorty was actually shook and clutched my arm. I just drifted back to sleep hoping this did not happen.
Originally Posted by akajaedeuce

Nothing nasty, but my coworker does creepy/starkerish things...
Snaps pics/videos of female coworker without her knowledge.
Takes certain routes to work just to get a look at certain girls.
Goes to Starbucks before and after work just to see this chick.
Weird dude.
Going to Starbucks to see a cute chick may seem normal but he's just creepy about it.

Your co-worker is a serial killer bruh
was on the freeway a few days ago, i look to my right and the guy driving the car next to me is playing a trumpet.
Originally Posted by kbweezy24

i knew a dude who would take a dooky, wipe, and throw the toilet paper in the trashcan
My best friend used to do this until I was like bro
I'm pretty sure he flushes now like the majority of society.
^ I had a friend whose entire family would do that just so they wouldn't clog the toilet.

Bruh, flush twice or something.
Originally Posted by kbweezy24

i knew a dude who would take a dooky, wipe, and throw the toilet paper in the trashcan

Funny you mention this, I saw this at the bathroom at work & was like 
Originally Posted by kbweezy24

i knew a dude who would take a dooky, wipe, and throw the toilet paper in the trashcan
i do this sometimes. 
That reminds me, when i was in the philippines last december, i had to take a dump at the mall. mind you philippines is a third world country. the malls are nice and stuff but the public toilets arent up to par as the ones in western countries. i wasnt going to use the PUBLIC public ones cause those ones probably crowded, dont have toilets seats and toilet paper. so i decide to take one at a cleaner one (not saying much) at the SM department store. think of sears or kohls or whatever. less people know about these ones. after walking around for 15 mins finding the damn place (malls in the phils are HUGE), theres no toilet paper. the stall just has a bowl, toilet seat and a garbage can. but outside the door there is a turn-y thing where you put some coins and you can get a pack of "tissue". i didnt even know if was flushable, but i didnt care. i only had a few coins so i could only get one. so they were in rows but some turn-y things were stuck so i went down the other rows and got a pack. turns out i got a FEMALE PAD. i was semi heated cause i needed to release the meteors and had no other change. so whatever, i go into the stall, do my biz and there were toilet cleaners in there too talking to eachother and im letting bombs go left and right. i hear them stop talking and leave lmao. and took the pad apart so i can have multiple wipes lmao. and for some reason everytime i go there, must be the time and diet change, your dumps the first week are never the clean ones. theyre wet. wipe after wipe, there was still dookie on it. the first one was the most plump. i couldnt flush them down the toilet cause the flushes there are extremely weak. i have clogged many cleaner toilets there. so i threw them into the trash can. and left like:


i was itchy the whole day till  night where i got back to the hotel and clean myself up properly.
tldr; cool story bro
I saw a guy in a business suit on the Metra in Chi remove his shoes and socks and proceed to cut his toenails during the afternoon commute.

People who see me eat in public probably think I'm strange because I remove my crust from everything burgers, hotdogs, subs, pizza, rolls, excess tortilla on burritos and tacos.....
Originally Posted by FlipnKraut

Dude was brushing his teeth at work.....

at the urinal....

while taking a piss....


and he switched hands....

im at school and I was trying so hard not to laugh out loud but this made me
Originally Posted by Lou Baton

I saw a guy in a business suit on the Metra in Chi remove his shoes and socks and proceed to cut his toenails during the afternoon commute.

People who see me eat in public probably think I'm strange because I remove my crust from everything burgers, hotdogs, subs, pizza, rolls, excess tortilla on burritos and tacos.....
I am constantly readjusting the amount of bread and tortilla.  Not weird, that's smart!  I use the bread to hold in the sandwich or burrito and then take it off mostly when I don't need to hold it.    Maybe eat some of it for taste.  Also about the toilet paper thing.  They do it in third world countries because the pipes get clogged easier.  I think my friend from Panama has done this before.  To add to the topic, my friend will constantly just drive towards my area, where his mom used to live, and then call my friend and I random like yo I'm in Pines.  Unusual to say the least.  One time he just made up a story about being at the club with this kid we know.  When we asked the kid about that night he said he never saw my friend.  Same kid is also obsessed with defending himself in every argument I feel like because I can't remember him ever explicitly saying he was wrong about something.  I will edit if I can think of something better because right now I'm reading some of y'all like wow I never seen that. 
Back in the day I had a homeboy would kick everyone out the house if he had to use the restroom. For a dump thats cool, but is kinda OD for a piss.
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