What Are You Guy's Using for Ankle Support?

Jun 21, 2009
The lower part of my right ankle is becoming sore sometimes for no reason. Starting to worry and not quite sure if I want to see a Foot Doctor yet.

In the meantime tho, I think it's time I start using ankle support/brace for when I run or play basketball. I ball in Kobe's so I'm not looking for a new shoe, just support. Wonder if ya'll have some suggestions.

*Not trying to use tape, I used it in High School but I don't have time to be wrapping my ankles over and over in the morning.
i used to have the mcdavid ankle braces in highschool but i always felt they were restricting, once i started wearing the low to ground lowtop kobes (5/6/8) i just tie them up tight and not worry about my ankles when i play

ankle support makes your joints weaker in the long run and when your ankle braces stop your ankle from twisting, the force shoots up to your knees or back. i have bad knees today from wearing ankle support in highschool
Well everyones body is different, I know for a fact I need ankle support with the way it's been feeling lately.
ASO's are usually rated as the best ankle braces, a bit pricey but if you feel comfortable playing with them on then its worth it 
Really? No suggestions?

On a website that comments every 13 seconds Kanye West has some shoes on his feet I can't get some help from some of the few athletes on here? :lol:
McDavid 195 or ASO.

I've used both but i prefer the McDavids. Pretty much the same though.
I've sprained/rolled both my ankles maybe 100 times now. I've even torn tendons in my left ankle. Wore ankle braces for at least 10 years now and I must say the Adidas speed wraps (d rose braces) are the absolute best ones I've ever worn. Both in comfortability and in injury prevention/stability. Haven't rolled either ankle while wearing them since I bought them almost a year ago.
A good ankle strengthening workout is to stand on one foot with a dumbbell in each hand for as long as you can.
I've sprained/rolled both my ankles maybe 100 times now. I've even torn tendons in my left ankle. Wore ankle braces for at least 10 years now and I must say the Adidas speed wraps (d rose braces) are the absolute best ones I've ever worn. Both in comfortability and in injury prevention/stability. Haven't rolled either ankle while wearing them since I bought them almost a year ago.

That's what I'm fearing, that I may have torn some minor tendons because this pain I have sometimes is so unnatural.

I've glanced at the Adidas speed wraps online and it looks like foam sleeve with a strap? There really that good? I need to try one on, I don't want to order without it. Where'd you find them?
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