What do you think human purpose is?

Dec 2, 2011
Probably the #1 topic that dominates my thoughts...
Caught "The Nature of Existence" last night on Netflix and it prompted me to ask what NT thinks about this.

I don't really know what I believe but I certainly don't believe that one figure created us for the sole purpose of "worshiping" him and that when we die we go to 1 of two places depending on how we lived our lives.

What do you believe in?
Originally Posted by dadecounty11

No one knows the answer, and no one will ever know the answer.

Theoretically...this is true.
But all of us prescribe to some type of belief right?

If not...why did you wake up this morning and proceed with your daily routine?

Why not just jump off a cliff and die?
I was actually thinking about this a week or so ago.

I more or so less believe we are accidents.  We just happened to evolve the way we did and now we are here.  With out getting too much into a religious debate i feel like that is why a lot of people "need" religion.  They need to feel like they have a purpose on earth.  They don't want to believe there is nothing special about us.  So they say "god" put us here or "god has a plan for us".  We are just intelligent (using that word loosely) organisms.
No matter what the case may be living life to better yourself, others, and the Earth around you can only help.
As far as reproducing goes...there are a ton of people in the world who can't reproduce. So what is their purpose?

Also...what do you people feel about other galaxies and universes?
our purpose is to find purpose

question reminds me of the "Brain & Stewie" episode
this single question raises a long list of other questions.

I don't firmly believe we don't have a purpose, but the thought of us being on this speck of dirt suspended in (possibly) infinite space in one of the (possibly) infinite number of universes... and having some kind of purpose beyond just being alive and experiencing things until we die like the rest of the animals and become one with our planet is wild to me.

I encountered a brown skinned woman during a trip that spoke to me and told me we hold a higher purpose. assured me that we're not alone in this universe or dimension. but couldn't give me a purpose beyond living and dying.

since then, that's all that's really made sense. but I'm open to any and all interpretations of life
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by dadecounty11

No one knows the answer, and no one will ever know the answer.

Theoretically...this is true.
So you believe that there is a human purpose, but that humans will never know what that purpose is?

In other words, you are assuming that the truth of human purpose is esoteric; it's only knowledge for a select few. In that case, wouldn't "human purpose" not really be human purpose, but rather purpose for the select few aware of it?
This is just a training ground for the next dimension. You won't pass until you are ready.

We serve no purpose here other than helping others prepare.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

As far as reproducing goes...there are a ton of people in the world who can't reproduce. So what is their purpose?

Also...what do you people feel about other galaxies and universes?
They are (as far as nature is concerned) mistakes. Just like the purpose of the eye is to see but there are blind people who have eyes that do not function properly; that's a mistake, an anomaly.

The human purpose most definitely is to reproduce and pass on one's genes.

Because we're so much more intelligent than other animals, we realize that it doesn't take a lifetime to successfully reproduce at least once and we also realize that having dozens of kids is a bad idea, so we're left with a whole lot of time and no clear explanation as to what we should use that time for. Our instinct, as humans, is to come up with some explanation for how we should use that time. These are the different "purposes" humans have come up with, but they're really nothing more than preferences and opinions. Our only true purpose is to reproduce.
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