What initial text message do you send?

Depends on who it is...

Hi/Hey/Hey you/Hola
Whats up/whats good/what it do/how are you/how you doin, etc.
or i say something random
girls - "what that thang smell like?"

guys - "what's happenin, hot stuff/hunk/honey/(any other nice h word)".
↑ half the time, i need something so i always intitiate conversation by being overly nice.
"Yo ma, lemme pluck your clitoris"

But seriously, I usually just text: "Hello there *name*"

If it's a dude I usually just text them something disrespectful/mean/etc
I never say hey. And i never ask "what's up" or "what u doing?" either. I just get to the reason i'm even texting them for. I hatesmall talk.

Or depending on my mood i'll text a girl something really random like "you ever been to des moines?" She'll probably think i'm seriousbut it's just a convo starter.
Females: "Can I get a whiff and a sniff?"

Males: "If it smells like fish, eat as you wish. If it smells like cologne, leave that %%$ alone"

But obviously can't use it over and over, so just enter random song line reflecting my current mood.

for the most part i text random ideas, songs, or dialogue from tv or a movie

or i just go with the conventional 'whats up chump'


Yo *buttocks*hole

What's good son


Miss me?

: D

Hey ugly (Sometimes you gotta knock them down and build them up)
You wanna do something strange for a piece of change?

%#%+ for a buck.

no i just say like yo, then whatever i gotta tell them.
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