What is Skyzoo's best project?

Jul 1, 2015
So i remember getting my hands on a hard copy of "Cloud 9: The 3 Day Theory" and not really feeling it like that. Tried to get into him a few times after that, and never really could. Can't put my finger on why. Sometimes his stuff is too coded for me lol idk. But i just dl'd the jawn wit him & Apollo Brown and i'm thoroughly enjoying. Took Ross and Drake outta rotation for this. Curious to know what yall think his best work is?
It's been awhile since I really listened to him, but my favorite projects from him are Salvation, The Great Debator and Barrel Brothers with Torae. I'd have to go back to listen to other stuff to judge, but those (along with Live From The Tape Deck) were the ones that resonates me the most.
Probably not his best album rapping-wise b/c he has grown a lot since, but nothing will top Cloud 9 for me.  Joint is a classic IMO.  
Idk what it is about some of his earlier stuff that made him difficult to listen to. His flow use to get a little stale sometimes. The hooks were never too engaging, and his ear for beats early on use to turn me off. But this new jawn he put out with Apollo Brown???? Yoga flame. Feel like he's a much more competent mc now
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