What is success to you? What will bring you happiness?

Aug 24, 2009
What are you aiming for in life? Everyone usually says they want happiness, well what's happiness to you? Is it emotional, spiritual, material? What will make you feel content with your life and all that you've done?

Me personally I love freedom, financially and literally so I can do whatever I want, no matter how ridiculous on a whim. Having no commitments to anything (except other people, out of choice) feels so good. That and going fast, I love fast cars and planes. Once everyone I know is taken care of, I will have achieved all I want in this world.

There are no wrong answers here... please don't flame anyone just because what they want doesn't coincide with what you want.
If i hit the lottery fiunished school and became a teacher would be the perfect scenario.
Graduate with good marks, get a degree and a job that I enjoy. Starting a family
Enough money to live comfortable financially. And as long as everyone I care about and love is happy, then im set homie.
i don't need to be overly rich. i just want a job that i enjoy doing, and not having to answer to someone for the things i need. be around my friends and cut out the people i don't need.
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