What is your Definition of being Successful in life?

When there are two good cars parked in my driveway outside of a home that I built from the ground up and I don't have to ask how much something is and have the love and support of my family w/a great stable career (almost put job) then I would consider myself successful
“It's not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. May I suggest that it be creating joy for others, sharing what we have for the betterment of personkind, bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely.
ultimate happiness. which is pretty much impossible to achieve. So therefore success = impossible
Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

Because money gives you opportunities to do whatever you desire.
It opens doors and opportunities that might have been impossible to attain while broke.

Then of course... find love and happiness.... Though I'm sure happiness is much easily attainable with cash.
"Money isn't real, George. It doesn't matter. It only seems like it does. "

great gatsby

but whats it all worth? cant take it with you under this earth, rich man died and tried, but none of it worked.

i dont feel like typing a coherent response so.. interpret that
I disagree with what you're trying to say.
Tell someone who is stressin' day to day because of money that it doesn't matter?
Money makes things easy... Not having money makes life really hard.
With an easier and stress-free life, happiness is closer to reach.

I get annoyed with people who act like money isn't important.  Saying they know rich people who aren't happy.  That just straight #!@@*@@@. 
Money shouldn't be earned just to be earned.  It should be earned as a medium to attain other things.  The hell's the point of money if you can't enjoy life?
If you can be happy being poor, you can be happy being rich.  Hell it makes it that much easier. 
I want to be loaded so I can do what I want to do.  I want to see the world, I want to experience things I just can't currently experience because of my financial situation. 

You can't seriously tell me that being broke makes a man happy.  In this world and age, that's just straight illogical.
well i should have just said it because obviously there was some confusion

i've been broke. like dead broke. i know its not fun. but if you work hard in your life, then you dont have to be in that position. i wish i had money to travel the world, i wish i had money to live on my own, but right now i simply cannot because i'm paying for school and hardly working and living life. but im glad i'm working for it and it wasnt just handed to me.

what i really was trying to say is that some people become enamored by money and lose sight of the important things in life. i've been there too. money facilitates happiness but it is NOT happiness. & that's the thing a lot of people forget.
On my deathbed I want to be able to look back on my life and know I've made the most out of it and enjoyed it to the fullest extent.

That, to me, is success.
successful TO ME is securing your pursuit of happiness...meaning materialistic goals are met without strife. (which is sad)

...that's why the lyrics to drake's chorus are stoopid, money, cars, clothes are not "success", success is product of action.
you can be a successful bum, rapist, alcoholic, loser etc.
hence the term is followed by the action..successful doctor, lawyer, athlete, businessman.

successfully stoopid chorus
frenchhustler19091 wrote:
I get annoyed with people who act like money isn't important.  Saying they know rich people who aren't happy.  That just straight #!@@*@@@. 

that's not true at all... I know plenty of rich people who i can easily tell are not happy.  They are work-a-holics who never get to spend time with their family and who are always stressing about their job.  They're making bank but they don't always get to enjoy the fruits of their labors because they never take any time off.  They just keep working and working.  I've seen it plenty of times.
To me success is finding that perfect balance between spending plenty of time with family and friends, working hard to bring in a good salary, enjoying your career, and taking time off to have fun without having to worry about a financial burden.

There is no denying that money contributes to happiness... But in no way does money = happiness. It helps to have a lot of it, but you can be content and happy without making a million/year
Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by Air JustinXI

If you're happy with what you have in life, you are satisfied

Success is all about numbers and rank or to be blunt being the best at whatever you do. For me success is when I'm retired at age 40 with 100 million in the bank.

Success is different for everybody but for the masses it's all about the numbers.
i like this answer
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

Because money gives you opportunities to do whatever you desire.
It opens doors and opportunities that might have been impossible to attain while broke.

Then of course... find love and happiness.... Though I'm sure happiness is much easily attainable with cash.
"Money isn't real, George. It doesn't matter. It only seems like it does. "

great gatsby

but whats it all worth? cant take it with you under this earth, rich man died and tried, but none of it worked.

i dont feel like typing a coherent response so.. interpret that
I disagree with what you're trying to say.
Tell someone who is stressin' day to day because of money that it doesn't matter?
Money makes things easy... Not having money makes life really hard.
With an easier and stress-free life, happiness is closer to reach.

I get annoyed with people who act like money isn't important.  Saying they know rich people who aren't happy.  That just straight #!@@*@@@. 
Money shouldn't be earned just to be earned.  It should be earned as a medium to attain other things.  The hell's the point of money if you can't enjoy life?
If you can be happy being poor, you can be happy being rich.  Hell it makes it that much easier. 
I want to be loaded so I can do what I want to do.  I want to see the world, I want to experience things I just can't currently experience because of my financial situation. 

You can't seriously tell me that being broke makes a man happy.  In this world and age, that's just straight illogical.
well i should have just said it because obviously there was some confusion

i've been broke. like dead broke. i know its not fun. but if you work hard in your life, then you dont have to be in that position. i wish i had money to travel the world, i wish i had money to live on my own, but right now i simply cannot because i'm paying for school and hardly working and living life. but im glad i'm working for it and it wasnt just handed to me.

what i really was trying to say is that some people become enamored by money and lose sight of the important things in life. i've been there too. money facilitates happiness but it is NOT happiness. & that's the thing a lot of people forget.
Yes I agree.
I'm not believe that happiness isn't possible without money, but it helps.
Money shouldn't be the goal as you say, but a medium to happiness.

Sorry for misunderstanding.
I'll let you know when I get there. The thing is.. no one REALLY knows what success is until the day they can say I'm successful. That's why everybody look at you strange, say you changed, like you worked that hard to stay the same [Jay-Z. Hot 97 Grammy Family Freestyle]. Until you can look in the mirror and feel, successful, you're really just assuming you know what you want..

Not having to worry about being "successful"

To Have Succeeded

To laugh often and love much:
To win respect of intelligent people
And the affection of children;
To earn the approbation of honest critics
And endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To give one's self;
To leave the world a little better,
Whether by a healthy child,
A garden patch,
Or redeemed social condition;
To have played and laughed with enthusiasm
And sung with exultation;
To know even one life has breathed easier
Because you have lived...
This is to have succeeded.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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