What Jill Scott has to say about interracial couples...

Originally Posted by Fade On You


 Good one... my thoughts exactly! She sounds mad.. but to each their own.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

It's hard as hell to find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. It really is. Limiting yourself just makes it that much harder. Or sometimes that person who you thought wasn't your type (because of race, religion, socio-economic background, etc) ends up being the other half of your essence. We don't plan for that, but it happens.

Celebrate love. Regardless of color or creed.
this touched the soul
Originally Posted by JDocs

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by RamZs8906

Originally Posted by Deuce King

On a related note, I wonder how many black men would feel if a large population of black women were out dating white men.

I'm quite sure "we" would be heated if this were to occur on a wide-scale basis.
We definitely would be... Hell I would argue that there are some black men who get upset when they see a beautiful black female with someone who isn't black.
QFT. Like I said, if the shoe was on the other foot dudes would sing a different tune. Whenever we see a bad black chick with anything other than a black dude, what's the first thought that comes to mind? "I bet he ain't hitting that right." This is just a small example of how it goes both ways. We're just in an advantaged position.
Is it because I don't live in the US or because I don't live in a predominantly black neighborhood that I just don't understand this logic? Why would I be mad if all the lovely black women exclusively dated non-black males? I'll just find a lovely woman of a different race, no?

I guess what I really don't get is why it is so important for these black women to find black men to settle down with.Or I'm just NOT getting it at all, but I've asked numerous times for someone to explain it
I've even read all the responses until now and I just don't get it.

You gotta look at the whole picture. What if non-black women did not generally find black men to be attractive? See that's the foregone conclusion, "I'll just date someone else." It's not that simple. Trust if this were the case black men would DEMAND loyalty from black women.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

date who you want to. People died for equality, don't put an asterisk next to it, limiting equality to everything but love.

The truth. No need to read anything else in this thread.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by JDocs

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by RamZs8906

Originally Posted by Deuce King

On a related note, I wonder how many black men would feel if a large population of black women were out dating white men.

I'm quite sure "we" would be heated if this were to occur on a wide-scale basis.
We definitely would be... Hell I would argue that there are some black men who get upset when they see a beautiful black female with someone who isn't black.
QFT. Like I said, if the shoe was on the other foot dudes would sing a different tune. Whenever we see a bad black chick with anything other than a black dude, what's the first thought that comes to mind? "I bet he ain't hitting that right." This is just a small example of how it goes both ways. We're just in an advantaged position.
Is it because I don't live in the US or because I don't live in a predominantly black neighborhood that I just don't understand this logic? Why would I be mad if all the lovely black women exclusively dated non-black males? I'll just find a lovely woman of a different race, no?

I guess what I really don't get is why it is so important for these black women to find black men to settle down with.Or I'm just NOT getting it at all, but I've asked numerous times for someone to explain it
I've even read all the responses until now and I just don't get it.
You gotta look at the whole picture. What if non-black women did not generally find black men to be attractive? See that's the foregone conclusion, "I'll just date someone else." It's not that simple. Trust if this were the case black men would DEMAND loyalty from black women.

aye ravage... who are you bro? are you the new jesse jackson up in this @++#$?
you are not the voice of the black people. nothing youre saying is new, nor makes any sense to the general topic bro.
how you gonna comment on an interracial relationship and never been in one.
thats like commenting on how bad a basketball player is and have never dribbled a ball in your life.
im lay the truth on your @++#$ %$% homie. since my fat %$% was " 1 whopper away from obesity"
i been #%++$% and !!@+@+@ over women all my life. im over 300+ women bedded. i know every race of woman very well.
a hell of a lot better than you. and im in a relationship with a milky white, black haired green eyed white girl.
what the %%$@ you gonna tell me?{/jay-z}

black women expect to be placed upon some kind of high pedestal because their ancestors were very strong.
if that was the case, then shouldnt indian women, jewish women, and armenian women be held on the same level of strength?
they all had their own historical hardships.
women are women.
men will go with whatevers clever.
black women dont have some magical power to make me less tired.
they cant come assist me at my job.
they cant do nothing any other color of women can do.
so why should i treat you different than any other woman?
wouldnt that be racist?
holding your own race as "better for yourself and better than anyother race"?

no race of women is better than another so jill scotts point is invalid.
women are all the same. you may come in here and say "NO WERE NOT"
but if we were to go back and check out all the post you broads made during your time on NT
i promise 90% is the same stupid #@!%.

black men are not better than any race neither. so stop holdin these dudes as gods among men.
black, white, asian, hispanic, whatever... we all do the same #@!%.
we may dance different and dress different, but when it comes to broads,
we all act the same, aside from the squares and lady lovers.

so, at the end of the day,
this is not an issue of race,
its an issue of haters.
cause +%+%*+$ gonna hate on ANYONE who is even 1 iota happier than they are.

we really need to get over this racial #@!%.
cause some of ya'll of being exposed as idiots and racists.
even if you think youre doing it for the right reasons.

thats my 2cents.
I stopped reading after you said I never been in an interracial relationship. Wrong, try again dunny. Then I read a little more. 300+ women bedded? Handsome B Wonderful
Dude who got nexted? Yeah, I'm all set on your opinion thx.
Originally Posted by RamZs8906

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

RamZs8906 wrote:
I don't necessarily think thats the issue. I think its more along the fact that black women want to be with successful (not necessarily athletes or entertainers) black men when many of us are not that. Now to be honest, I believe some of the issue with black women is that their scope of what is a good black man is skewed because the only black men that society and other women pay attention to are the ones with their names up in lights. And to be honest if some black women would equate a good man by his deeds and not by the fantasy life they want to live of marrying a successful black man whose making 6 figures, things would be a lot better when it comes to this topic. I understand Jill Scott's stance, but that doesn't apply for ALL black women. Black women don't get mad if it is a black man who is doing nothing with his life messing with a white woman, but the fact that many successful black men are being bXtches when it comes to relationships and don't want anything that will challenge them and expect relationships to be easy isn't not helping the issue.
Pick a side my dude.

I agree with the the green and disagree with the red.

We need to address this attitude situation honestly...I will honestly say that while I'm not looking for a push-over by any means, a lot of women are overly aggressive for no reason almost to the point of destroying relationships. Being a complement to your nature is different from being a conflict to your character in a relationship.

Being overly aggressive is one thing, but I think a bigger issue is that A.) Many black women today do not know how to let a man be a man, B.) Believe Submitting to their man in a relationship is a negative thing so as a result they are more aggressive in relationships than they are passive when its necessary. and C.) Have seen too many households where the woman had to be the strong person for the household because the father was not around, and because you pick up what you are a witness to, don't understand what is needed from them in a relationship to be the woman a man wants to keep around. 

I agree with that statement whole heartedly but many men don't know the difference between a woman who will submit to their man and a woman who is submissive either. And in many cases successful black men want women who historically are submissive and let a relationship be what it is without caring to have some say in what goes on in the relationship. And I think thats where black women are having an issue because many of them have a problem submitting to their man because they think that doing so is the same as being submissive. But when they see successful black men dating and marrying these submissive women, the thoughts that Jill Scott spoke about arise. Hopefully that explains what I'm saying as clear as possible.

excellent  i see both of yall.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

I stopped reading after you said I never been in an interracial relationship. Wrong, try again dunny. Then I read a little more. 300+ women bedded? Handsome B Wonderful
Dude who got nexted? Yeah, I'm all set on your opinion thx.

homeboy believe me or not. its nothing. but there are MANY peopple on NT and also in the real natural world who can vouch for me.
i also have hundreds of pictures and the such so me smashin broads is not an issue.
and you keep bringing up next. that was in 2006. i got paid 300 dollars and had sex with the same chick that nexted me (who also nexted the other 4 people on the bus) at a later time.
i was on tv. more people know my name Reginald than know yours. what did that have to do with the topic at hand.

and if you been in an interracial relationship, why are you spewing all this black love nonsense.

from all your posts, and everyone opinion of your lame %@#....

YOURE THE PROBLEM. its not black men dating outside their race...

its black women messin with **%#$ %@# %@#@@# like you, and gettin the game @+!++% up.

come see me next time you in LA. i wanna talk with you.
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Im Not You

As expected...many of you will either 1) not understand or 2) ignore the point of her message and just pass her off as a jealous racist black woman.
Indeed.  People in here are completely missing the point and writting off what Jill Scott is saying by calling her fat and talking about her acting skills or what have you.  

 Someone please explain how people are misinterpreting her comments. She was disheartened to learn that her friend was marrying a white woman. How is that anything but racist?

If this were a story about, say, the parents of a white girl who were upset because they learned she had a black boyfriend, the responses would have been, "Yep, yep, that's how they look at us, #!#% never changes," "White people not liking us, what's new?" and a bunch of extra crap about how evil white people are. But no, this broad gets a pass for being racist.

Why was this broad making references to slavery, anyway? Like, really? Using historical events from times you weren't around to see, to defend your racist sentiments? 
Her statement had nothing to do with her being racist, sorry you feel that way.  I suggest you re-read one of her sentences again, here it is for you..........."One could easily dispel the wince as racist or separatist, but that’s not how I was brought up."  Just because you want to keep something in the family or within "the circle" so to speak doesn't make you a racist.  The situation right now is that alot of black males tend to shun themselves from black women once that get to a certain point in life, I'm not just talking about famous athletes either, I'm talking about the every day common black man.  "We" at times tend to think that maybe we're better than black women or that they are not worthy of our company.  That may or may not have been the case with Jill Scott's male friend but her statement was a broad viewpoint of how many black women feel about "us" in this day and age.  We exclude black women for whatever reason, thus leaving them behind.    

Also, in regards to slavery, or racism from a historical point of view, does that tree still not bear fruit??  So yes, her reference to slavery is very much acceptable. 

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Funny she prefaces by saying she's not racist nor a separatist, but if anything 

Thats the equivalent of a racist person saying "I have black friends".
Yes, the days of slavery are long past, but this view of black womenas less desirable, less beautiful, less feminine and less valuable thanwhite women persists. It is illustrated by the women who are featuredon mainstream magazine covers…and those who are not (Vanity Fair anyone?).It is confirmed by the missing and exploited women that are covered24/7 on cable news…and those who are not. It is underscored bystatistics that reveal who is likely to marry…and who is not.

Black men are not immune to the message that black women are “lessthan.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

I really don't have a problem with interracial relationships.

That said, from a black woman's perspective I completely understand the sting they may feel when successful black men go for white women.

As for myself, I could see "dating" a white girl but when it comes time to find a wifey I need someone with a fatty who can cook and that pretty much eliminates white girls.
 you're an idiot.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Yes, the days of slavery are long past, but this view of black women as less desirable, less beautiful, less feminine and less valuable than white women persists. It is illustrated by the women who are featured on mainstream magazine covers…and those who are not (Vanity Fair anyone?). It is confirmed by the missing and exploited women that are covered 24/7 on cable news…and those who are not. It is underscored by statistics that reveal who is likely to marry…and who is not.

Black men are not immune to the message that black women are “less than.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by Nawth21

It's hard as hell to find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. It really is. Limiting yourself just makes it that much harder. Or sometimes that person who you thought wasn't your type (because of race, religion, socio-economic background, etc) ends up being the other half of your essence. We don't plan for that, but it happens.

Celebrate love. Regardless of color or creed.

havent had a real chance to go through this thread but i agree wit Nawth
I love when interracial couples, debate, topics are brought up its just black man white female or white man black female and then period. Like none of any other races exist hmm..
Originally Posted by KanyeBreast

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

I really don't have a problem with interracial relationships.

That said, from a black woman's perspective I completely understand the sting they may feel when successful black men go for white women.

As for myself, I could see "dating" a white girl but when it comes time to find a wifey I need someone with a fatty who can cook and that pretty much eliminates white girls.

bro u serious? welcome to this generation white girls these days will cook, clean your piece upon your arrival  home from work, and have some dinner ready...you sir have the game all wrong
...a black girl will hit u with the "im tired" "what you pull that out for"...go back to the drawing board


Black women need to stop living in the past. My mother used to throw that slavery mess at me when id bring a chick other then black to their home.
To keep it simple, I feel like black woman are moving backwards with the things the say about black men dating other races instead of praising us for breaking the interracial barriers and dating outside our race. Black women are beautiful..........all woman are but growing up in NYC, I tend to lean away from black woman because of how the vast majority of them portray themselves. This color thing just needs to be thrown out the window. Slavery is over, stop bringing it up unless its to learn from, not to use for your own advantage.

I love being a black male but some of the things black men and women say make me cringe.
Thats the real bite that, no matter with what ointment, still hasnt gone away.

When will the black community in America learn to embrace instead of hate?
This is why true Africans don't like African Americans.
Dirty it would be interesting to point out where those numbers and percentages came from.
Whats the sources?  

Get money, get with who u want and stop worrying about what THAT man does with his schlong... Black women are mad because black women are still mentally slaved....

More so than the black man... The black man is just confused
GettumMike wrote:
KanyeBreast wrote:
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

I really don't have a problem with interracial relationships.

That said, from a black woman's perspective I completely understand the sting they may feel when successful black men go for white women.

As for myself, I could see "dating" a white girl but when it comes time to find a wifey I need someone with a fatty who can cook and that pretty much eliminates white girls.

bro u serious? welcome to this generation white girls these days will cook, clean your piece upon your arrival  home from work, and have some dinner ready...you sir have the game all wrong
...a black girl will hit u with the "im tired" "what you pull that out for"...go back to the drawing board

I love being a black male but some of the things black men and women say make me cringe.
Thats the real bite that, no matter with what ointment, still hasnt gone away.

Just as there are different shades of black, there are different sets of black mentallity.
You just have to make sure you express and surround youself with the right one. 
It's wrong, it's hindering and at times embarassing to see a closed minded mentallity in any race or group.
But as with many things in society, there will always be those who prefer to be stuck and not progress becasue thats what is most comfortable to them.
It's almost impossible for those types to get the "wake up call" because their eyes aren't open to see it. 
Toodles to them.

You what I can't stand about articles like these is that they throw out some generalized opinions based on limited baseless statistics.

I had this whole thing typed up but you know what forget it. At the end of the day all I see is another veiled attack on black men by a black woman and even more surprisingly but not shocking a married black woman. I see no point to this article since it only brings forth further misinformation with a couple of truths sprinkled in and no solutions or even cares to think up anything outside of generic reasoning to this "problem" as she sees it at hand


There is something else that crossed my mind that articles like these seemingly always leave out. It has to do with successful black men not marrying successful black women. The problem with that statement is it has very little to do with black vs black or black vs white but with the changing dynamics of marriage from that of a social contract to ensure the continuation of ones bloodline where it relates to social standing/class, and wealth to where it is now being a contract based on love. 

You see the thing is that while society has dictated that these social contracts  are a thing of the past the echoes remain and are not quite understood for what they are. It's like being thought something generation after generation but when it comes your turn the lesson plan has changed, and even though that change occurred, somewhere within you there is still an imprint of what has been passed down [sort of IDK implicitly], even though you can't necessarily understand what it is.

This is moreso seen in the black community in the US because of it low social standing for these past hundreds of years. Yet now in this modern time it has reached a point where social mobility is seen in a more prolific manner among black men. But the problem is whereas before that gain in wealth and power would be protected within the race through marriage by means of a social contract/convenience [meaning offspring/males heirs for monetary allowances] the definition of marriage has changed.

Well this is just one of my many ideas that lead up to whatever this situation is that Jill Scott tries to write about but not so much explain
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