What really grinds you gears?

Mister Meaner

formerly super producer j
Mar 24, 2007
For me:

- At work, people will throw their money on the counter rather than hand it to me with my hand already extended. That %@*! just seems extra disrespectful theway they toss the money on the counter, for me to reach pretty far, as if to say "go get it."

- At home, my lazy +@% sister doesn't do anything. If I have two hands full of bags, she won't get up and open the door. There's other *@#, butthat's another thread in and of itself.

- Tostitos, or any brand for that matter, doesn't make spicy cheese dip. Medium is extra soft.

- Cousin keeps trying to hit me up for money. Son is just about cut off.
- When people say "huh" every time you talk, knowing dam well they heard you

- When people don't say thank you, im like +#+$% I didnt have to do it

- When people say monies, I know its in the dictionary but come on fam just say money

- When people call Discover card, Discovery and MasterCard, MasterCharge

- Lazy females in the bed
tellin old ladies to do theyre job right...breaks my heart , but pisses me off!!!
a roundtrip ticket to guam for 2500 for one person!
that tenth person in line asking for the last size 10 carmine package and me right on back of him!!!!
-hipocritical people.

-the people who cut you off just to move 2 mph faster in rush hour traffic. Stay in ya lane.

-people who take social networking as serious as a religion. SMH especially in Cali and the west coast.
-The T.V show cribs, for gods sake, people are losing there homes everyday and then they have to hear there kids talk about 50 cent gold plated sinks.
-Naturally pretty girls, that use a massive amount of make-up. what a waste.
-When I cut my fingernails too short.
-When I stub my big toe and its freezing inside my house
- being bored
-when u meet a female around campus but when u see her around you can barely get a hi out of her
-wet socks
too much HW
loud people
intermediate microeconomics
people on Facebook that type like girls, and it's much worse with guys.
When I'm eating and the dog and cat are in my face like I'm trying to feed them.

Happening right now.
Smacking and crunching make me want to kill

Ask me alot of questions at once

Asking questions when you know the answer

Chewing with your mouth open

Not cleaning up after yourself

My brother trying to sneak and wear my clothes to school

Uptight sadity people

Leaving the tooth paste cap off

People calling me when I'm trying to go to sleep
-answering the phone and having the person on the line telling me to hold on

-douchebags at the gym with their backwards/tilted baseball caps with their wife-beaters showing off their scrawny physique checking/talking on theircellphones after every set.

-having an extra sock after doing laundry
i ALWAYS say 'thank you'

can i at least get a 'your welcome'? an 'ok'? 'no problem'?

seems so ungrateful, even when they mean well...
-ppl call you then sit on the phone and say nothing at all
-people who lie about the smallest things
I have to tell you something...

- What is it?

Nevermind, forget it...

- [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU![/color]
When at work you greet a customer and they completely ignore you as if you never said anything.... makes me wanna cuss em out or just not ring the person up atall

Originally Posted by CertifiedFlyBoi23

- Lazy females in the bed
Foreel, I know you enjoying it but at pinch your nips or something if your not going to work.

-When my homeboys don't have %%!$ to do on weekends.

-When people in fast food restaurants ignore my burger specifications.

-I hate when old people stare at me.

-Students in my college who think they are better than everyone else.
when people tell you they ready when you scoopin them up, but take an extra 30 minutes just to get outside
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