What to do with 360 that has RRoD?

Jul 23, 2007
My 360 got the RRod a couple days ago so I just bought a new one today. But i'm still stuck with the old one that has the RRod. Is there any way to get rid of it or just sell it for parts? Any place online that buys 360's with RRoD?
Penny trick or towel trick, search them up on youtube. No guarantees that the end result is a working Xbox 360 though.
What is the penny trick??? I know the towel trick but the video posted didnt really say if it worked.
Originally Posted by gHeTtOnOyPi

Should have tried to repair it first, http://www.ifixit.com/Gui...of-Death-Fix-Kit/3550/1. But try craigslist.

Try this guide, sorta like the penny trick, but they give you new thermal pads instead of using pennies. Wanted to be Mr.fix it when my 360 red ringed and tried the penny trick. Xbox worked again but the fan was spinning way too fast. Think a penny fell off a chip when I was putting back together
they would have fixed it out of warrant for $100 I think...
towel trick it to get it up and running then trade it in?
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

The warranty for RROD is forever. Just have Microsoft fix it.

This. They might even send you a refurbished one. But thats a month of waiting
Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Throw it in the trash and buy a PS3

dont listen to this man.. towel trick is what you should do, it works.
Originally Posted by Iceberg Slim

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

The warranty for RROD is forever. Just have Microsoft fix it.

This. They might even send you a refurbished one. But thats a month of waiting
no it isn't. i had one that was a replaced refurbished one from Microsoft and it lasted four years after it RROD they wouldn't replace it.

"As such, we will be covering any repairs due to the E74 error message under the three year warranty we announced related to the three flashing lights error, as well as reimbursing any customers that have already paid for an E74 related repair."
Open it up replace x clamps and put on arctic silver on the gpu and cpu. There's only temporary fixes. You can find a new slim for $150.
Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Throw it in the trash and buy a PS3

And after OP does that his identity will get stolen by logging into PSN. OP, google places that repair xbox 360's, if you live in a major city you won't have a problem finding a spot and they might fix it for cheap. This is if your not under warranty through MS.
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