What's going on with kingcrux31 and ben baller?

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Damn, did not know he was philipino
Well you are right. The only thing I have revealed about myself here is that I am formerly a part of the Houston Texans Strength and Conditioning staff. After, I made the decision to take the lead of Methodical Management, then keeping all things personal close to the vest.

Are you ready to admit that you are Black?
Still told too much. Now I know everything about you.
U know how he does, crew hopping from Rocafella to Terror Squad to Black Wall St. to Worldstar to LRG to Diamond Supply and 20 more so no surprise he'll change teams

I believe it. Bens a character. He’s all over the place with some of the stuff I see him posting at times.

To his credit, he did show love and hooked it up during those old summits in 2007-09. He came off cool to me the times I met him, but I could also see how his personality could rub some the wrong way.
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