What's the best prank you've ever pulled??

Sep 27, 2006
Me and my friend were just at walmart n cops were all over the parking lot, so i got on my phone and updated my facebook status to..."sittin in the backof a cop car...dont try to steal from walmart" and people are going crazy over it, commenting on my status, calling me, texting me. The best part is thati changed my status about 20 minutes later to..."bored, layin in bed" and everybody STILL believes it haha. i just punk'd basically my wholetown!
Made my friend believed she was eating cookies, but they were actually dog biscuits. She enjoyed them tho...
Ordered like $60 worth of food at Wendy's and threw a carton of eggs into the chicks face at the window. +!%@ washilarious.
That's funny to you?

Anyways, it was something about me being a dildo salesman trying to sell a "Black Thor" model. I was drunk and can't remember it too well. Myfriend's mom still laughs about it, though.
Originally Posted by dunksnjordans1992

i have a weird sense of humor so if i post what i did it would probly not be funny
It's damn near midnight. We're late night NT. Post it...we might laugh.
Originally Posted by soltheman

That's funny to you?

Anyways, it was something about me being a dildo salesman trying to sell a "Black Thor" model. I was drunk and can't remember it too well. My friend's mom still laughs about it, though.

Anyways, my best prank was probably when I got about 10 of my friends and pretended a gang fight. So many cars pulled over and tried to stop the fight
When they came out we just booked it in different directions
I convinced everyone and school That my friend got a girl pregnant. There were
everywhere for a good while

That was about a year ago. ah, the good old days...
getting you guys to believe i fed my friend a peanut butter sandwich was the best prank i ever pulled
Originally Posted by xfile 11

fed my friend who is allergic to nuts a peanut butter sandwich
nah... i'm sure you didnt do it cause if you did your friend would of die
Originally Posted by xfile 11

getting you guys to believe i fed my friend a peanut butter sandwich was the best prank i ever pulled


Anyways, a couple of months ago I broke my foot playing ball, but no one knew it. So when I went to school, I was tellin everyone who asked random stuff. LikeI got jumped at the park, or I was runnin from the cops and fell off a fence or a car ran it over and everyone believed me
well probably the adventures of harry pooper

one of our many senior pranks if you guys like this one i will post the others later but anyways i cutout a harry potter book so it was like hollow on theinside and then i glued the sides together so it could only open to the middle.... the book looked exactly like when it was purchased i then proceeded to givethe book to my friend who pooped in it and then he gave it to someone else who put it in our school library next to all the other harry potter books well theyfound it like a month later because it smelled so bad
this is the only one I can remember but prob not the worst but still semi funny
This dude i kno at school had lent his PS3 to some1 else and I fell out with dude.
Everybody call this dude Viscera cuz he ugly and got in contacts too (He get tight as hell, too).
So i went into his PS3 and changed his wallpaper to Viscera

this is just a place holder till I can remember anything better.
BTW the Jack #%! 2 final prank was the worst.
anybody remember the Jerky Boys?
had a kickback at the homies house on Superbowl Sunday.. had some beers. carne asada. all the good stuff.. after the GREAT game(one of my faves SB thisdecade.) we played some shot checkers.. pretty much got %!#! faced the rest of the night.. my rookie friend just happen to pass it out early in the night( badmove).. i went to the fridge.. got a spoonfull of some skippy EXTRA CHUNKY PEANUT BUTTER and slipped it in his butt... lol NO MO.
well the next morning this mo.fo wakes up all hungover.. gets up off the floor.. and reluctently digs into his shorts( his facial expression was priceless) hetakes his hand out, all full with the extra chunky pb and and SNIFFS IT!! lol.. it was too funny.. needless to say, he realized it was only Peanut butter andnot his own dookie.. took the prank like a champ and just hit the shower..... good times.
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Ordered like $60 worth of food at Wendy's and threw a carton of eggs into the chicks face at the window. +!%@ was hilarious.

always wanted to do something like that
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