whats the max weight someone can lose in 3 weeks????

Feb 18, 2007
Is 10-15 pounds possiblle??? I actually lost 17 pounds over the summer but gained back most of it during the months of september and october. I need to losethese pounds again before bball season starts, dont wanna look like the slowest n' on the team.
It is, but it's most likely not going to be healthy. Plus, it depends on how heavy you are. Obviously if you are bigger, then it's easier to loseweight.
A lot. My average when I'm really on my game is the 4-6 pounds a week. Maybe more because that was one on 3 days of working out. I need to get back to thegym.
cabbage soup diet homie, search it online. Guarantee you will lose like 6-10 lbs in a week if you stick to it. Only problem is once you break the diet youstart to gain it back unless you really stay on your game
Well,when I got braces AND palate expanders put in I lost eleven pounds in about a week.

You do the math.
U could lose alot in three weeks, ita just gonna be how your body reacts to it. You could lose too much weight.
I'd say about 15 - 20 lbs sounds right.
I actually did this when I use to work out in the gym.
Intense work out 3-4 hours 5-6 days a week with one of those
heat wraps on your gut while you wear a hoody, run 3 miles sometimes 4,
hit weights and when your done hit the steam room for a bout 20 minutes.
And of course follow a strict diet maybe less then 10 grams of fat a day.
Fat will just melt off.

It's not healthy though.
But I have yet to gain any weight I don't even work out right now.
the avearage human with a good diet and exercise looses a pound or a two a week. A little more than that if you are carrying a water weight (BUT ONLY HAPPENSIN THE FIRST WEEK).

to lose just a pound in a week, you have to under eat by 3,500 calories...SO everyone in this thread that says they lost 10+ pound in a week or two is astraight up liar or morbidly obese.
you want to lose fat or weight all together? Weight fluctuates because when you work out, you gain muscle, so technically, you are gaining weight.
its possible you will likely lose muscle and harm your body in the process but its not hard if you restrict your diet to 600-1200 calories and exerciseeveryday
Don't worry about losing weight and don't worry about the number on the scale too much. Just run a lot in your free time. Don't try to force itdoing anorexic things like eating considerably less or forcing yourself to puke. That's not healthy.
Originally Posted by blacktopking319

I wanna lose fat, don't wanna gain muscle.
typical words of a fat person
trust me, it's VERYhard to just turn fat into muscle, but I'll let someone else give more detail into that. Just run, workout, and eat healthy and you'll lose weight. You're not just gonna wake up one day all diesel, Vin.
When I was 235 over the summer and started my diet and workout, I went down to 215 in 3 weeks. And I'm 6'2 so it's not like I was obese.
Originally Posted by MvP07

the avearage human with a good diet and exercise looses a pound or a two a week. A little more than that if you are carrying a water weight (BUT ONLY HAPPENS IN THE FIRST WEEK).

to lose just a pound in a week, you have to under eat by 3,500 calories...SO everyone in this thread that says they lost 10+ pound in a week or two is a straight up liar or morbidly obese.
Well i dont know about you but the special K diet worked for me. I started at a weight of 206. After 2 weeks of just that diet, i went down to196. I thought the special k diet was a joke so i didnt know if it was going to work. But after doing that i just kept on with the diet. So its not impossible,nor am i morbidly obese
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