I lost my niece in the Zoo once, i still have never been that scared in my life.
When I was about 7 I left a GameBoy with that TinyToons game in the airplane seat pocket. My parents were non too pleased with me and I just started bawling (that was like when they first came out and were pretty expensive). To this day every time I am on a plane I have to check the pocket twice before I leave.
Originally Posted by Rick2345

Originally Posted by INS

I lost my niece in the Zoo once, i still have never been that scared in my life.

Wow that sounds incredibly scary 
 I found her in front of a vending machine because she wanted juice. She was 3 at the time. The longest 10 minutes of my life.
Left my LV damier wallet at a restaurant with $350. I went back after 30 mins and it was long gone. My fiancé bought it for me like a month prior. She bought me another one the next day (what a sweetheart) but I made her return it bc losing a $450 wallet is no fun. Knowing some db is living it up with my money (probably one of the dishwashers there) and stuff bugs the hell out of me and to not even attempt to return it. Plus replacing everything is the worst. I hope whoever has it gets hit by a bus (jk...but no seriously)

I've returned everything I've found. Last semester I found 2 blackberry's on 2 separate occasions and met with the owners both times to give it back. I even contacted one owner for like a whole day using fb and the student directory until she finally saw the message. Feels good man.
LOST: started playing tunk(card game) with a 100 won 800 after 6 hours of playing then lost it all.
Found $100 bucks in the 4th grade. My aunt took me shopping, i must of had $2 dollars worth of candy
Originally Posted by youngcurse

LOST: started playing tunk(card game) with a 100 won 800 after 6 hours of playing then lost it all.
Found $100 bucks in the 4th grade. My aunt took me shopping, i must of had $2 dollars worth of candy

NEVER heard any one else say TUNK.
.... u from FLA ? i used to play that game all the time in HS
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

I found a diamond engagement ring in Toy's R Us when I was about 9.... The ring itself was bent, but the diamond was like 2.5 carats...Im not sure what it was worth, my mom took it

I never really lost anything too valuable, Unless you wanna count a Stolen bike....

my mom found a ring in a grocerystore and still had the price tag still on it...8,000 something...pawned it when times got rough.
Lost probably $1000 dollars worth of sunglasses.

Found a Wallet with about $300 dollars in it, gave it back with all the money in it.

Last summer I lost my ipod touch in my gym's locker room. A few weeks after I found a wallet with $160 and a bunch of cards in the same place, but I turned it in. Probably a lost cause because I'm sure the person I turned it in to took the cash.
i dont think ive ever lost anything over 10 bucks in my life. the most ive found is 20 bucks. if i ever find a wallet with money in it, im keeping the money and the wallet. ill mail the id and credit cards back to the person though
I found $20 on the sidewalk in a shopping plaza..soon realized it was my own money that I found
. I didn't know I dropped it until I looked in my pocket and saw it was missing.

Most expensive thing I lost was my blackberry on the bus.
Last winter I went skating at night and I headed home when it started to snow, I got home and I realized I lost my keys which must've fallen out of my coin pocket. It's not the keys I was upset about, I had a keychain that was my dad's, he died when I was 9 and that was the only thing I had from him. I spent 3 hours going back and forth looking for it in the snow, retracing my tracks and no luck. That night was the most snow NYC got in 2010, God made it impossible for me to find them. I still can't forgive myself.
lost my gucci wallet $300, gucci glasses $220, and itouch all in like a 3 week span. sucked
Originally Posted by INS

I lost my niece in the Zoo once, i still have never found her
I thought you were gonna end it like that and was like
when I got to "still".
I've found 20 bucks like 3 times!
I've lost nothing really... and if I did it was my fault so I consider that throwing it away.
i.e. losing things when on drugs
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