Whats your body count and how many of those women dld you really care about...

haha i believe dude about 200! im at 13 this year alone (not bragging) im 20 i probably did 50 so far but i dont count girls just like i dont count my shoecollection just hit what i like and just buy what i like (shoes wise)
I don't see how anyone gets to 200. if you did congratulations I guess? But whats the point.

Even if you don't care about them you are telling me none of them are worth some attention?

I had a girl I was disinterested in but the sex was straight so I didn't really need to go looking elsewhere for a minute

None of yall chicks come back for seconds / thirds / 25ths?
Originally Posted by duckdafraft

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

A few of you are grade A !$@**. You'd probably let a savage pack of hefty BBW's ravish you in a gangbang. I could see it now some Jordans rolled up under a mound of fat women like the wicked witch smashed under the house in "the wizard of Oz".


I wish WISEPHAROAH was lying, but he's telling the truth

"I only smash dimes" *procedes to smash fat ugly chicks*
Originally Posted by Yes its That Dude

Whats your body count
@#$$% i'm double digits...

but seriously i'm 24 and took down 29, cared about 3.

13 (so far) are from this year. broke my previous yearly record which was 7.
i made a goal this year to take down at least 1 girl a month and i have accomplished that.

if you've seen my thread a week ago the 3 sum still trying to find a girl went to the bar in her area its so dead, decent no girls


Originally Posted by MrSneakerman

I can believe someone saying they have 200. I've seen some filthy stuff while I was in college from my friends and frat bros.

I'm in the 40s and cared for 3.
This. There's a kid i go to school with who's probably close to 100 at age 20, he will definitely hit 200 in a couple years. frat guy, plays sports, goodlooking dude (nh), all that.. basically he's like a god on campus to all the girls, and he was like a local sports hero in his hometown so he has even more girls on his jock when he goes home. all this guy does is %%$* bishes and drink, we lived on the same floor freshman year and almost every night i would see him bringing back the hottest chicks.  
the thing is people who get to that point (like 200+), aren't even happy about it anymore. they are literally incapable of holding down a stable relationship and they need to do that to feel validated. 
21 y.o
13 cared about 2.

Probably could do way more than 13, but I'm lazy, once I find consistent P, I usually just stick w/it for a minute 
Riiiiiiight. NT always delivers on the LOL's. Def not buying a lot of these numbers.
DMoney right about girls in ATL. I lost count but  I'm @ about 60-70 give or take. I'm 31 & I started when I was in 8th grade. Got a couple homeboys @ about a 100+
30-40.... maybe like 4. only loved 2
could be one of those dudes w/ 100+ bodies but i outgrew that phase junior year of college
I don't understand why it's hard to believe dudes got triple digits. If you play the club scene / work the facebook /twitter freaks...dabbled with the myspace freaks back in the day...went to middle/hs with freaks...then triple digits is not at all unrealistic.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

I don't see how anyone gets to 200. if you did congratulations I guess? But whats the point.

Even if you don't care about them you are telling me none of them are worth some attention?

I had a girl I was disinterested in but the sex was straight so I didn't really need to go looking elsewhere for a minute

None of yall chicks come back for seconds / thirds / 25ths?
Most dudes aren't like you though. I for one don't see the point in not looking elsewhere unless I care for a chick even if the sex is straight. That's not only a waste of time but you settling on one woman whom you don't care about when there's really no purpose to it. Chicks obviously come back, but if I don't care for them what imma smash a chick for 25 times knowing I'm not gonna take it further and knowing shes gonna want to? And im def not passing up on other chicks for her. But dudes who hitting 200 must be in major citys where there is that much good looking women, or yall hittin some 
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Thought only women kept count?

Naw they only count the ones that were good.  I dated this one girl and every time she told me about a bad date or a one night stand her total just kept goin up and up....women have a weird sense of reality.
Oh and it's easy to smash birds that you don't care about.  It's when you care when u start fukkin up
Originally Posted by illwill24

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Thought only women kept count?

Naw they only count the ones that were good.  I dated this one girl and every time she told me about a bad date or a one night stand her total just kept goin up and up....women have a weird sense of reality.
Oh and it's easy to smash birds that you don't care about.  It's when you care when u start fukkin up
real spit.

for us its if we actually got it in. for them it all depends on their set of values or beliefs...like was she drunk, did she tell her friends...ect.

Originally Posted by MarcMac360

Originally Posted by illwill24

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Thought only women kept count?

Naw they only count the ones that were good.  I dated this one girl and every time she told me about a bad date or a one night stand her total just kept goin up and up....women have a weird sense of reality.
Oh and it's easy to smash birds that you don't care about.  It's when you care when u start fukkin up
real spit.

for us its if we actually got it in. for them it all depends on their set of values or beliefs...like was she drunk, did she tell her friends...ect.


Pretty much.

"It didn't go all the way in."
"He didn't *@&."
"It didn't last long."
"It was only oral."
"We weren't in love."

No wonder you have to multiply for them
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