When you're finish using the restroom..... PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS!!!!!!!!!!

thats the reason you use the same paper towel you used to dry your hands to open the door & then throw it away....
bonus points if you can open the door get out & throw the paper back into the can before the door closes :lol:

:lol: if only i could stroke it that quick pause

i guess it's better nowadays at some public restrooms because most have a "push" and some are just "walk in"
At home, after taking a leak, I sprinkle a little water on the tip of my jimmy before washing my hands
ever ask yourself why don't we wash our meat in the sink after we use the restroom?

if i know I'm about to catch a first class flight to boston, i got no problem wiping the kid down. if she a random ***** doe, she can sample that filth :evil:

h e a u x is really blocked??
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Was trying to find the picture where everything in the bathroom is automatic and when you get to the door it said "screwed" or something.
1) That is so F'ing nasty.
2) That Toe-opener gadget is pretty clean.
3) This bothers me almost as much as when people are at the gym and put on like 10 plates on each side of the leg press and then walk away to do another exercise without putting away their weights...
My friend use to get on me about cleaning my hands after using the stall when this guy never washes his hand after using it, saying he didn't touch his manhood 
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Anybody here take a dump naked (or sans shirt)? Or am I the only one?

I can't afford for the fumes to be trapped in my clothing.
i wash my hands before i pee..... my penis doesnt need bacteria from the world all up on it...

then i wash my hands after as well...
See that all the time, and then we be having the nerve to have organization potlucks. No sir. I'll eat and drink anythnig store bought, but y'all ****** making hand tossed pizza, cupcakes, pies, and ***** I know you had to touch and I remember you dipping out the bathroom while I was washing my hands and you just walked right passed me straight out the door after dropping a deuce, no thanks.

Strong avi to post ratio.

But yeah I wash my hands all the time, it's almost like a habit.

I don't see how ppl just rock out w/out washing their hands, that's disgusting on so many different levels.
first thing came to mind was the Jerry Springer episode. good call hella funny
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