Which Organization is Worse? The Oakland Raiders or the Golden State Warriors?

Its Warriors. 13years of non playoff basket and prolly 10 more years. Bay Area Sports
I want to respond before this gets locked due to our favorite NTer getting into arguments in EVERY thread he posts in. Regardless of that, there are SO MANYidiotic posts in this thread its funny. There are so many people posting in here that dont have the slightest clue what they are talking about. For example....
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539


Cheap owners.

Cheap? Cohan is an idiot, but he certainly is NOT cheap. Why dont you go ahead and look up the contracts we have given to Derek Fisher, Adonal Foyle, AndrisBiedrins, Monta Ellis, and Corey Maggette (im sure im forgetting some other huge contracts). Warriors management is clueless, but they certainly are NOT cheap.

Originally Posted by vctry20

not even close, Warriors

Raiders may be a mess now, but


Because those three Superbowl trophies outweigh the Warriors' three Championships by SOOO much right? SMFH.

I dont even necessarily have a strong opinion one way or the other on the original topic, but people are posting in here that clearly dont have a clue whatthey are talking about. I am going to go with a draw.
People forget that despite six straight abysmal seasons, the Raiders are still one of the greatest franchises in the history of the NFL.
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