White/Grey-Red Spiz'ike Release (3/21) *pics*

3rd time for this crap, i wish they would do that with something worth while. They must have stockpiles of that trash
Originally Posted by Mikkol109

lol a 3rd time for a reason.. first they had it as a jumpman exclusive then it was on eastbay and footlockers now its hoh and its an exclusive? %*++.. more like outlet material to me
thats why i stop getting js $285 is way to much and its a house of hoops exclusive mannn peace! JB is beating heads
I agree , if they are going to Re-release a Spiz'ike they should of dropped the 1st and 2nd cclorways ...

I wonder if the production date on the size tag is the same from the 1st drop from online ????
i stopped caring about this cw along time ago.

i missed an ebay auction these plus the bag for 120 shipped because i was in school and my phone's internet sux.

thanks for the info.
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