Who are your inspirations? People who give you energy to succeed


Nov 4, 2012
This isn't about role models but people who you respect and maybe use pieces of their life to mold your own. You listen to their  interviews, read their books, watch their business moves, and admire their talents. Please provide brief reasons why

I'll start first

Dwight Mann - the most successful yet ruthless man in the world. Built his empire on the blood of others

Worldwide Wes - master of networking and being likeable 

Steve Stoute  - master of branding and delivering a product

Boo Williams - community leader and built an empire that helps the youth

John Calipari - master of connecting to the youth while demanding respect. Ultimate friend/parent

Jay-Z - ruthless decison maker. American dream. found a way to become #1. 

Michael Jordan - Ultimate competitor and tireless workethic. put winning and money over everything

Kevin Plank - broke into the market and has a piece of the pie competing with Nike and Adidas. Innovator

Kanye - confident, honest, passionate, a perfectionist, true artist in the sense of the word

Tariq Nasheed - dude found a way to make spittin' game, giving advice a career.  has expanded to film

Spike Lee - stays true to himself and has employed our people to make classic films. Visionary 
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50 cent (srs) - love listening to his interviews
Alex Capello - embodiment of "go getter", heard him speak many times, always inspiring

Reading up on Worldwide Wes right now OP :pimp:
especially because I believe networking skills are extremely crucial, I need to step mine up.
Lionel Messi - How a dude so frail, so small and so quiet is on top of the soccer world still amazes me. Real humble guy too.

LeBron James - seeing him grow up before my eyes from an emotional prick to a beast in a couple years really speaks to me. He even seems to complain to refs less this season

Kobe Bryant- stone cold assassin.
  • My father (from nothing to chief cardiothoracic surgeon)
  • Jim Rogers (came from nothing, became a billionaire in his 30's, retired, traveled around the world twice, married his dream girl)
  • The Rothschild Family (Read House of Rothschild, if you haven't already)
  • Earl Nightingale (listen to his audio books - it's self explanatory)
  • Jay Z (intelligent, ruthless, talented)
  • Eric Thomas (the energy, man, the energy)
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Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant. Dudes are so successful but manage to remain genuinely humble; plus, Kyrie is from NJ. :smokin
To be honest no one in particular, I always feel self-motivated, but gives props to other people I see (in real life) doing good things.

I will say I respect Jay-Z and 50 Cent's business acumen, even as shrewd and cutthroat they may be (Jay more than 50). I hated this comparison, but one of my old roommates had told me awhile back that I shouldn't have utter disgust for Kobe Bryant since "[ I ] have the same competitive nature and drive as him" (relating to me being in track/CC all those years). Now I do know that I especially relate to him when I'm busting my *** going all out while a bunch of bums are giving lackadaisical effort for something.
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It may be cliched but right now it's my Dad.

He's recovering from a stroke and getting stronger physically again. The speech part is slow to come around and I miss talking him so much. He's the toughest guy I know and he'll overcome it all.
That guy looks like someone I used to punish on the basketball court. He was a cool dude though.
I have a friend named Eric Thomas.
 Yeah wrong cat you liable to get posterized hoopin wit me.
My mother
Albert Einstein
Ben Carson
Anton LaVey
Stephen Hawking
Peyton Manning
Neil Degresse Tyson
Bill Gates
Quentin Tarantino
Muhammad Suicmez

To name a few
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Me. I know I can do it, just have to put the efforts in.

Honorable mentions to my mom and my dad :smokin
Curren$y - His lyrics are like sermons for the lifestyle I want to achieve
My Godfather and Aunt - They get what they need to get done no matter what
Folklore of west African Deities
My immediate ancestors
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Imhotep - First Recorded Multi Genius his accomplishments can't be listed in one place

Ptah-Hotep - Maxims of Ptah-Hotep changed my outlook on life. It's like a righteous 48 laws of power

Dr. Ivan Van Sertima - His research and grasp of his positions are uncanny

Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango - His knowledge of spirituality, religion and history, charisma and oratory skills  combined in one man

Dr. Yosef Ben Jochanon - He revolutionized Black Pride/Consciousness not only in the US but on many levels World Wide

Malcolm X - too obvious

Tupac - his music always comes to me when I need it. "Pour Out a Little Liquor" and "Hold On" make me wanna punch through concrete.

Freddie Foxxx - He along with MOP gave me my pitbull back when life beat me down

Patrice Oneal - His ability to be "philosophical about dumb ****"

Dave Chappelle - showed me that even if I'm the only black guy in the room it's ok. I don't have to amp anything up just keep on keeping on.
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