Who else would recycle if it weren't so damn inconvenient

May 25, 2001
Almost anywhere you are at any given moment in the US, you can pivot 360 degrees and see a trash can. Finding a blue recycle bin is not quite that easy. Iwant to recycle, I really do, but there's not even a receptacle off post here to do it. There used to be one on the parking lot of this grocery store thatI guess somebody was collecting it, but they stopped and it has since been removed. I remember when I first moved, bought tons of new stuff, I said I'mgoing to do Mother Nature a solid. I think this Global Warming thing is overdone, but I'm going to save all my cardboard and all my plastic bags. Betweenthe cardboard that my furniture, tvs, beds, and all the plastic from all the stuff I had to buy, I had enough to completely fill my 10x10 storage space thatcame with my apartment top to bottom.

Long story short, looked all around town, couldn't find anywhere to take it, threw it away in the trash. Even at our office we don't recycle anymorebecause there was a business that collected strictly business recycling and they no longer exist. All these green people need to put their money and effortwhere their mouth is and make it easier to recycle, implement some sort of program, or just bus their @%# to the landfill and scoop and separate items out andtake them to recycle before the guy with the huge machine piles dirt and drives over it.
I give my empty bottle and cans to old Chinese ladies who search in the garbage can. Some of them follow you until your finish with the can and ask you for it.
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

I give my empty bottle and cans to old Chinese ladies who search in the garbage can. Some of them follow you until your finish with the can and ask you for it.
What the hell? where do you live pal?

I go through ALOT of plastic water bottles in a week. Having the recycling basket and just putting it on the curb every Monday morning is quite convenient
I would, at work I toss SO MUCH PAPER its insane. We just throw it in the compactor, I wish We had an appropriate disposal. I prolly chuck like 35 sheets ofpaper a day myself...
I recycle no matter how inconvenient. I don't give in to all the hype about the environment being in a state of emergency, but I do think about my futuregenerations and whatever I can do to make things a little nicer for them I try to do. I work in Logistics for Wal-Mart and we are pushing personalsustainability like crazy. Trying to get as many associates as possible to take positive steps for the environment, as well as requiring all of our vendors totry and find new ways to make products with either smaller packaging or packaging that can be recycled. In the end there is no bad in recycling, just do asmuch as you can each and every day.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

you can pivot 360 degrees and see a trash can.

Yet, so many still litter.

wouldn't that mean the trash can is in front of you anyway
Where do you all live that you have recycling trucks? Is it like city trucks, or some company that does it? That's what I'm talking about we need here.This isn't normally the type of topic I start, it was just on my mind because when I left the club on Friday I decided to go ahead and grab the bag on cansand take it to the recycle center on Fort Sill instead of throwing it away since it's not far out of my way and I was in the company car anyways.
my local hollywood video charges $5 to recycle old VCRs when my city utilities does it for free (included in the recycling fees). kinda stupid.

i live in seattle area so seattle public utilities sends out the recycling trucks like 1/2 hour after the garbage trucks come around.
Originally Posted by INshoeKid

I recycle no matter how inconvenient. I don't give in to all the hype about the environment being in a state of emergency, but I do think about my future generations and whatever I can do to make things a little nicer for them I try to do. I work in Logistics for Wal-Mart and we are pushing personal sustainability like crazy. Trying to get as many associates as possible to take positive steps for the environment, as well as requiring all of our vendors to try and find new ways to make products with either smaller packaging or packaging that can be recycled. In the end there is no bad in recycling, just do as much as you can each and every day.

You've inspired me.
One of the few things I hate here about Oregon is the .05 deposit on bottles/cans and having to take them back to the store to get your $$$ back. Pisses meoff. It is so much easier to just throw them in the recycle bin...
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

I give my empty bottle and cans to old Chinese ladies who search in the garbage can. Some of them follow you until your finish with the can and ask you for it.
those ladies slay me
honestly, i think we have more recycling containers than trash cans around campus. I usually have more of a hard time finding a trash can. Otherwise, I'dprobably be bad about it as well
Recycling comes just like my garbage, so I've been doing it my whole life.
Originally Posted by curt2121

honestly, i think we have more recycling containers than trash cans around campus. I usually have more of a hard time finding a trash can. Otherwise, I'd probably be bad about it as well

It's true. I work there and for every 1 trash can, theres like 3 recycling containers next to it. paper, cans, bottles, etc...

Anyways, I recycle everything I can. Not that much of a hassle.
Originally Posted by AME416

Originally Posted by INshoeKid

I recycle no matter how inconvenient. I don't give in to all the hype about the environment being in a state of emergency, but I do think about my future generations and whatever I can do to make things a little nicer for them I try to do. I work in Logistics for Wal-Mart and we are pushing personal sustainability like crazy. Trying to get as many associates as possible to take positive steps for the environment, as well as requiring all of our vendors to try and find new ways to make products with either smaller packaging or packaging that can be recycled. In the end there is no bad in recycling, just do as much as you can each and every day.

You've inspired me.
Our city actually forces us to recycle by law. We have 3 different trashcans one for garden stuff, one for recycling and one for regular waste. I don'teven think its fair but its the law! The streets look like a section of 1984. The houses can only be painted certain colors too!
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